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What is Artificial Intelligence and how does it work?

What is Artificial Intelligence and how does it work?

• Creating Expert Systems - Creating some systems that can perform intelligent behavior, that can learn, demonstrate, explain, and advise its users with it.

• Implementing Human Intelligence in Machines - Creating systems that can understand, think, teach, and behave like humans.

If we talk about the real world, then there are some strange characteristics of knowledge such as • Its volume is very high, or rather it is unimaginable.

• It is not completely well-organized or well-formatted.

• Along with this it constantly changes.

Now it comes to what is AI Technique. So let me tell you that Artificial Technique is such a technique that we will keep knowledge or knowledge in an organized way as if we can use it very efficiently like -

• It should be read and understandable by the people who provide it.

• It should be easily modifiable so that its errors can be rectified easily.

• It should be useful in many places even though it is incomplete and inaccurate.

If AI techniques are equipped with any comlpex programs, then the speed of execution can be increased to a great extent.

Artificial intelligence can be divided into many types, but the most prominent among them are

This type of AI is also called narrow AI, these AI systems have been designed in such a way that they only do a particular task. For example, there is a very good example of Virtual Personal Assistants such as Apple's Siri weak AI.

This type of artificial intelligence is also called general artificial intelligence. This type of AI system has the intelligence of a generalized human being so that if it is given a difficult task when it comes time, it can easily find its solution.

The Turing Test was developed in the 1950s by mathematician Alan Turing, which was used to know whether computers can think like humans or not.

Arend Hintze, who is also an assistant professor of integrative biology and computer science and engineering, at Michigan State University. He has categorized AI into four parts, which are some of this type.

• Type 1: Reactive machines. An example of this is Deep Blue, an IBM chess program that defeated Garry Kasparov in the 1990s. Deep Blue has been designed in such a way that it can identify the pieces of chess board and can predict it accordingly.

But it does not have some memory of its own so that it cannot remember about its past move, which it can use in future. It analyzes possible moves - its own and its opponent's - and then it chooses the best strategic move accordingly.

Deep Blue and Google's AlphaGO have been designed for narrator purposes and cannot be easily applied in other situations.

• Type 2: Limited memory. Such AI systems use their past experiences to decide their future decisions. Some decision-making functions that are used in autonomous vehicles have been designed in a similar way.

By using similar observations, future accidents can be prevented to some extent, such as changing the car into another lane. These observations are not a permanent store.

• Type 3: Theory of mind. This is a psychology term. This is a hypothetical concept. In it, it shows that others have their own beliefs, desires and intentions that influence their decisions.

These types of AI are not present in this world.

• Type 4: Self-awareness. AI systems have their own self awareness under this category, they have a consciousness of their own.

Machines that have self-awareness understand their current state and use the same information to understand what others feel. These types of AI are not present in this world.

• Automation is a process by which the system and process function are made automatic. Robotic process automation, for example, is programmed so that it can easily perform high volume, repeatable tasks.

The difference between RPA and IT Automation is that in RPA it is adaptable according to the circumstances, whereas it is not so in IT Automation.

•   Machine learning is a science in which the computer works without programming. Deep learning is a part of machine learning where automation of predictive analytics is done.

There are mainly three algorithms of machine learning: supervised learning, where data sets are called patterns and which are used to lebel new data sets, the other is unsupervised learning, where data sets are not lebel but rather they are is sorted based on their similarity and disharmony.

The third is reinforcement learning, where data sets are not lebel, but after some action and more action, feedback is given to the AI ​​system.

•   Machine vision is a science with which we can be able to see the computer. In Machine Vision, the computer captures and analyzes the visual infomations with the help of camera, along with analog-to-digital conversion and digital signal.

It is also compared with human eyes, but there is no limitation of machine vision and they can also see beyond the walls. For this reason, they are also used in medicine quite a lot.

•   Natural language processing (NLP) is a process in which human language is understood by a machine with the help of computer program.

For example, you can only take SPAM detection, in which the program of the computer decides that which text is the original emain and which is the spam email. NLP works mainly include text translation, sentiment analysis and speech recognition.

•   Pattern recognition is a branch of machine learning that identifies patterns in data and is used later in data analysis.

•   Robotics is a field that focuses more on the design and manufacturing of robots. Such works that we are very happy for humans, we use robots there.

Because they do the toughest tasks with great ease and that too without any fault. For example, we use them in the assembly line of Car Production.

• AI in healthcare. The largest use of AI is in the healthcare industry. The biggest challenge here is how we can treat patients better and that too at the least cost. That is why companies are using AI in hospitals so that patients can be treated better and quickly.

One such very famous healthcare technology is named IBM Watson. Along with this, health assistants have also come for common diseases, with the help of which ordinary people can now get treatment for their diseases. With the use of all these machines, a huge revolution is coming in the healthcare industry.

• AI in business. Highly repetitive tasks are now being done by machines with the help of robotic process automation. Machine learning algorithms are now being integrated with analytics and CRM platforms to know how companies can better help their customers.

Chatbots are being incorporated into the websites so that customers can be served as soon as possible.

• AI in education. Now with the help of AI, automate grading can be done so that educators can get more time to read children. With the help of AI, any student can be inspected well, what is needed, which subjects are wealk to, etc. so that that student can be helped in the right way.

Nowadays, with the help of AI Tutors, students are looking for solutions to everything from home. Due to this, interest in their reading is also increasing.

• AI in finance. Financial institutions are getting a lot of benefits with the help of AI. Because companies had to invest a lot of money and time earlier in data anylasis, but now it does not happen, now AI only does everything in a very short time.

• AI in law. Earlier, the processing of these documents was a very worrying task, but now with the help of AI, now the processing of these documents is done very easily, due to which the work runs in a very efficient manner.

• AI in manufacturing . The use of AI is also very strong in the manufacturing industry. Earlier, hundreds of people used to do the work, whereas today with the help of a machine, the same work is being done very quickly and better.

The use of Artificial Intelligence is increasing day by day. We humans are slowly becoming more and more like such machines. In an effort to fulfill our needs, we are making Artificial Intelligence even more powerful and more advance so that it can do our hardest work.

Due to this we know that these machines are becoming more powerful inadvertently. And the power of thinking is also increasing gradually, due to which they can adapt themselves in any situation and this is not good for us.

The day is not far when they do not follow our orders and work according to their mind. In such a situation, human society may have to suffer a lot of damage. They have already buried their roots in all our industries and we have become their very beginning, so without them we are also having difficulty in doing our work.

It may sound a bit strange to hear, but it is 100% correct. I believe that even if we use Artificial Intelligence for good in our life, but it is very important to keep in mind that we should keep the keys of some things which are above control. So that when the time comes, we can use it properly.

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