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The Key to Success With AI Is Human-Machine Collaboration

  The Key to Success With AI Is Human-Machine Collaboration

The Key to Success With AI Is Human-Machine Collaboration
Companies that emphasize collaboration between AI and human workers are best positioned for success.
Technology Innovation Strategy
Artificial Intelligence and Business Strategy
The Artificial Intelligence and Business Strategy initiative explores the growing use of artificial intelligence in the business landscape. The exploration looks specifically at how AI is affecting the development and execution of strategy in organizations.
In collaboration with
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MIT Sloan Management Review
and Boston Consulting Group’s 2020 global executive survey and research report on artificial intelligence and business strategy finds that companies that leverage human-machine collaboration are best positioned for success. To share more specifics about this finding, study coauthors David Kiron and François Candelon recently spoke about the research on a Web Summit panel.
Kiron and Candelon led the audience through the key findings from this fourth annual AI study. First, of over 3,000 organizations surveyed, only 10% achieve significant financial benefits (defined as 5% to 10% of their overall revenue) with artificial intelligence. The research shows those 10% work with AI differently than other organizations by learning with AI:
They design AI systems that work for themselves.
They engineer systems where AI learns from humans.
They engineer systems where humans learn from AI.
Kiron and Candelon were joined by Mark Maybury, chief technology officer at Stanley Black & Decker, and Gail Evans, global chief digital officer at Mercer, who shared specific examples of how their organizations work toward learning with AI.
For more, watch the video of the Web Summit session, which aired on Dec. 4, 2020.
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