
The Data Daily

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first deep learner to win cancer detection contests

first deep learner to win cancer detection contests

In 2022, we are celebrating the 10th anniversary of a breakthrough in medical imaging and computer vision. On 10 Sept 2012, when compute was roughly 100 times more expensive...

Reverse engineering the NTK: towards first-principles architecture design

Reverse engineering the NTK: towards first-principles architecture design

Deep neural networks have enabled technological wonders ranging from voice recognition to machine transition to protein engineering, but their design and application is...

Top 10 Best Books for Deep Learning

Top 10 Best Books for Deep Learning

If you’re looking to get deeper into the world of AI and machine learning, then these books are a great place to start. They’ll give you a solid grounding in the fundamentals of...

Today’s top 4 business vulnerabilities

Today’s top 4 business vulnerabilities

With hackers constantly changing the way they target people, and staff members becoming victim to ever more technology they must secure, it can be difficult to keep on top of...

BusinessDay: ESG reporting: AI to the rescue

BusinessDay: ESG reporting: AI to the rescue

The concept of environmental, social and governance (ESG) reporting and investing refers to a set of guiding principles that outline how a business should operate concerning the...

Council Post: Why AI Fails At Assessing Distinctly Human Skill Sets

Council Post: Why AI Fails At Assessing Distinctly Human Skill Sets

CEO and Strategic Recruitment Advisor atVidCruiter, the new standard for worldwide online hiring. It’s safe to say that AI recruitment tools are a major topic in the HR space...

How to Use Large AI Models at Low Costs

How to Use Large AI Models at Low Costs

Editor’s Note: James Demmel, PhD and Yang You, PhD are speakers for ODSC West 2022 coming this November 1st-3rd. Be sure to check out their talk, “Colossal-AI: A Unified Deep...

The Case Against Grounding

The Case Against Grounding

A recent NOEMA essay by Jacob Browning and Yann LeCun put forward the proposition that “an artificial intelligence system trained on words and sentences alone will never...

Form, function, and the giant gulf between drawing a picture and understanding the world

Form, function, and the giant gulf between drawing a picture and understanding the world

Drawing photorealistic images is a major accomplishment for AI, but is it really a step towards general intelligence? Since DALL-E 2 came out, many people have hinted at that...

Open-Source Healthcare AI Innovation Continues to Expand with MONAI v1.0 | NVIDIA Technical Blog

Open-Source Healthcare AI Innovation Continues to Expand with MONAI v1.0 | NVIDIA Technical Blog

Developing for the medical imaging AI lifecycle is a time-consuming and resource-intensive process that typically includes data acquisition, compute, and training time, and a...

NVIDIA Riva Sets New Bar for Fully Customizable Speech AI | NVIDIA Blog

NVIDIA Riva Sets New Bar for Fully Customizable Speech AI | NVIDIA Blog

Whether for virtual assistants, transcriptions or contact centers, voice AI services are turning words and conversations into bits and bytes of business magic. At GTC this...

AI identifies motor neuron disease genes

AI identifies motor neuron disease genes

A machine-learning algorithm has helped scientists find 690 human genes associated with a higher risk of developing motor neuron disease, according to research published in Cell...