
The Data Daily

5 Ways Big Data In The Marketing World Will Affect Consumers

5 Ways Big Data In The Marketing World Will Affect Consumers

Do you ever feel like certain companies are following you around the internet? It's easy to think they know your every thought, but in this particular case, there is a reasonable explanation for why you see them everywhere. That doesn't mean companies don't have so much of your info it would blow your mind.

Big data is going to change the way companies operate. In most cases, it will help consumers too, at least some of the time. It's going to have a much bigger impact on your life in the future, so let's look at a couple of things from the marketing world that will affect you going forwards.

You gave up your freedom a long time ago when you started signing up to every social media network under the sun. Then the smartphone came along and now everyone is glued to the internet more often than not.

We're going to see the same trend going forwards as augmented reality, virtual reality, and lots of wearable devices become mainstream. The amount of big data companies will have at their disposal will make products even more popular.

Let's use real-time bidding as an example, because it's effective and display advertising is popular. Due to the fact there will be more data involved, companies will be able to narrow down on their target audience. Their ads will only be shown if the person is visiting a website ticks all the right boxes. It will result in their ads becoming more targeted, which is only a good thing for all parties involved.

You might be happy to offer up your personal data at the drop of a hat, but everyone else doesn't see it that way. Big data is going to cause a lot of problems across borders where the rules aren't the same.

We've already seen privacy issues appearing within the European Union and it will get more complicated. In fact, according to Gartner half of ethics violations will occur because of big data by next year.

Companies are going to do a couple of things with all the big data they have at their fingertips. There is no need to explain the first one, as all businesses do everything within their power to increase their profits.

The only way they'll be able to do that is because the consumer gives them their hard-earned cash. It's why they're also going to use the data to provide more value to their customers in various ways.

Everyone is talking about the number of jobs likely to be swallowed up in the future thanks to technology. Although it might be true, it doesn't mean everyone should start learning how to grow their own food yet.

There is actually going to be a job shortage soon, because big data is expanding so fast and there are no skilled workers to fill the gaps. It means there will be job opportunities for the right people.

Up until recently 'big data' wasn't a buzzword, but it's been trending ferociously in the last few years. The only thing we're going to see now is how much it does affect our lives in the next decade. The future is already looking bright for all parties involved.

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