
The Data Daily

Data Where & When You Need It with HyperIntelligence

Data Where & When You Need It with HyperIntelligence

Hello, and welcome back to the modern analytics track where we discussed the latest solutions in analytics. My name is uliano brozak, product marketing manager, MicroStrategy. And it's my pleasure to moderate our next session in the modern analytics chat entitled data where and when you need it with Hyper intelligence. And before I introduce our speakers, we would love to greet all of you in the audience and our speakers with a short welcome video just to energize this discussion. Great, thank you. Hope you enjoyed that upbeat music and we are ready to start. And it's my pleasure to introduce our speakers. Please welcome neither emits. Neither is product manager for high intelligence and augmented analytics, and neither has been with MicroStrategy for more than four years. She's passionate about solving enterprise customer challenges using latest technology. And please welcome Raoul Deleon. Raul is a product owner for Hyper intelligence and library website, and Raul has been with MicroStrategy for over 22 years, starting as a software engineer. And there are always very passionate about web technologies and building beautiful, and easy to use UI. So welcome needle and roll. And before we start, I would like to remind and again encourage you to please use the question tab to post all questions for our speakers. We set aside some time towards the end of this presentation for four moderated Q&A discussion, and it's during this presentation.

We also encourage any comments and thoughts, so please post them in the chat box as well. And with that, I will turn over to you in the. Thank you so much, Ileana, and welcome everyone to the session. In today's session, we will be introducing this revolutionary technology that we call hyper intelligence. You must have heard a lot about it already, from the keynote and from the promotions. So in today's agenda is we will talk about what is hyper intelligence, why do businesses needed and then role is going to help us understand how we can use hyper intelligence to make your enterprises more productive and just transform the way you work. So we will go into the product suite in that segment. So let's get started. But Oh yeah, before we get started, let's do a quick poll. So now please help me publish this poll. The question is, how much do you already know about hyper intelligence? So in this poll, I just want to understand where our audiences are coming from, if they are a power user, if they have some experience, but they're not a pro yet, if they're still learning or if they haven't really heard or haven't ever tried hyper intelligence. So we just want to know our audience a little bit. Right, thank you. Neither I'm publishing polls right now, and for our audience, I encourage you to please you in your live discussion window. You should see a poll and please take a moment to respond. And also, for those who mentioned in the chat and experiencing any technical difficulties, I would like to remind to please refresh your screen for best viewing experience, and this presentation will be recorded.

OK, and once again, you should see a poll in your live discussion view. So, OK, I see results coming in. So once again, the question is, how much do you already know about hyper intelligence? So we have 8% I am a power user, 18% I have some experience, but not pro yet. 46 percent, I am still learning and 28% I haven't heard about or tried using hyper intelligent. Thank you for participating. Thank you. Thanks for taking the poll. So you said, most of them said I'm a power user. Is that correct? Most actually, I'm still learning, so we have a lot. I'm still learning this and those who are curious and some power users. OK, then that's good because they are here for the right session, because here we are going to be, we are going to introduce the product. There are other sessions where we will talk into what's new this year, what features we are releasing, and then we have an embedded track as well. So so let's get started now. So so let's take a step back now and think about the tools you use most as part of your daily job. Please feel free to use the chat to tell us what tools you are using currently, so that we also understand and get another data point as to what tools you're using. So some of the tools we use are Salesforce, workday, servicenow, some of the call center management applications, heavily customized internal applications and other BI tools. So these are just some of the apps that we use, either through a web browser or through a mobile device. Now, in each of these apps, most of the data resides in silos. It's only within the app. So if you're using Salesforce or most of the time using data from Salesforce and you're making decisions based out of that data. But what if you want to overlay information from Workday into Salesforce or from Salesforce into your favorite BI tool or from, you know, Salesforce in Workday into your emails, then what do you do in such a scenario, and how do you make this even more cost effective?

And one more thing. So most of the time, we also use some business communication tools like Microsoft teams, slack, outlook and Gmail, and we constantly keep exchanging information with each other and we make decisions and that process as well. But it is important we make the right decisions in those process in those processes. But according to a study, we found that most of the people they make decisions through their gut or through an intuition, rather than basing those decisions out of data. Now, in my opinion, intuition can be a helpful tool, but not all the time. So if you want to make your enterprise or business more profitable, basing decisions on data is more helpful and is proven to be more profitable as well. So why do most people rely on their gut, right? So why do they do that? So most people rely on their instinct, mainly because they don't have the time to see data as data is always in disparate systems, in silos. They would have to launch those applications. They might be a bit of a learning curve as well because you would need to find the url, you need to know how to use the application.

You need to log in using your credentials. And once you find the dashboard is just so overwhelming because there's so much information out there that you need the technical expertise to interpret that data, and we realize that most people don't have that technical expertise. They're just not business users who are trying to get the job done in their organizations. So there can be a bit of a learning curve in analytics as well. Lastly, most people don't trust their data, because since the data is stored in these different systems, it's possible to get one answer from one system in a completely different answer to the same question from another system. Now, in that kind of situation, how do you know which answer to trust? So in those situations, you would rather go back and check in the back end that, you know, just to see how the data is being churned and then brought to you. But in that process, you would just it's time consuming again and then you just lose trust in that process. So how do we maintain that trust and security of your data? And that's very important.

So to verify, understand and quantify a decision, hyper intelligence can help in such scenarios. So what is hyper intelligence? So it is a product that we released in twenty, which delivers zero click insights and actions into the tools you use every day in just a few seconds. So every employee, every person in your organization can make data driven decisions and take data informed actions in real time. So as you can see in your screen, data is injected into every application to ease your decision making process. So you can use the simple hover over gesture so that you can just trigger the card by just moving your cursor onto the keyboard and get access to that data instantaneously. And this data is presented to you in the form of cards. They are nothing but mini dashboards that we invented. It's a new object. So again, to reiterate, there are three major benefits of hyper intelligence, as I mentioned before. It augments the applications you use on your browser, your mobile device and all the productivity tools that you have access to.

You can take one click Actions to directly dive deep into other applications and take actions from there. Or you could contextually go to those applications and comprehend and understand the data. Then you can take numerous other actions, like approving codes, you know, approving promotions for employees or or, you know, ordering some inventory for your products, or even just directly messaging someone on teams or Slack. You can even do that. So cards can be considered as a launchpad, launchpad or a gateway to all these applications. Lastly, cards are also built on a data layer that ensures you always have the most accurate and secure insights, even when making real time decisions. So data can be incorporated from 200 plus data sources that MicroStrategy supports. It's just an extension of MicroStrategy. You can incorporate all the security, scalability and performance features of the platform to support such seamless deployments at an enterprise scale. So there's another fun fact, according to McKinsey, data driven organizations tend to B19 times more profitable than instinct driven organizations. So how does hyper intelligence help you go to that 100% adoption of business intelligence then? So we discussed a few minutes ago that there are three factors that lead to lack of business intelligence adoption in organizations.

Those are time, expertise and trust. Now let's take a look at them from a very different perspective that is, from using hyper intelligence, how these can evolve. So with time hyper intelligence, as I said, it brings relevant information contextual in a contextual manner into the applications that you use that you are familiar with a very simple hover over gesture in just a few seconds, actually less than a second. You know, our engineering team, that role actually leads. They have done a great job factoring in the subsequent response time. And in that Super important and critical for building such a product, getting insights in the second is the essence of this product. Second is his expertise, hyper intelligence cards are built using a very simple drag and drop interface with absolutely no code. You do not need code for any customization on the card. So anyone, literally anyone in your business can go ahead and build a card and deploy it to their team in under an hour. And lastly, trust hyper intelligence is powered by microstrategy, as I mentioned, which is a secure and governed metadata semantic layer. It can be considered like that in which you can combine 200 data sources, and this layer creates a single data glossary for your entire organization, which ensures that you will always have access to single, accurate version of truth.

So that way, trust is maintained. Now that we know how hyper intelligence can increase adoption of business intelligence in your organization, let's take a look at some of the examples of how these cards can help you in your enterprise. So we are going to look at some industries over here, like in this example, the hospitality industry. Over here, you can see that this is a guest reservation card. You can see certain information, like their membership status, how many points they have scored by resolving in this network. And also, we have a recommended next action written there, which says that you need to upgrade this guest bar for them to be a loyal member of this whole experience. So there you have this contextual linking at the top, which basically takes you to conduct this action. You can even contact the guest directly and probably timed them for choosing New service or anything like that. So basically, you can use such cards for in such an industry. Now, for the distribution industry or shipment industry, I would say such cards over here where you can track shipment information, you have the tracking ID, you can actually trigger cards off of ideas and such patterns, as you can see at the top.

Then you have these links in some KPIs over here. Then for the sales and call centers, you can have a customer card or a client card who and then you can have actions like setting appointments with them or submitting an offer or understanding, you know, their experience with your video service. You can do that as well. And then for the insurance industry, you have these insurance cards or claim cards, which has metrics that lets you make decisions like approving a claim or processing a claim in just a few seconds. Actually, there was a customer in this industry that I worked with. They used such a use case, and they saw a significant decrease in the time to process these claims from eight minutes to 3 minutes. So that is a very significant reduction in time, which led to customer satisfaction. And lastly, retail in the retail industry, you can have a product card that lets you look at inventory data and then you can probably place an order for more inventory. You can look at product status, you can even have a store card. So let's take a look at more examples now. Over here, you can see these are so many cards in different shapes and sizes right now. Anyone can create these cards under 30 minutes. I would say to be realistic, a power user can create these cards in under 30 minutes, and probably a person who is still learning would probably take one hour to 45 minutes. But the only difficult part in this entire experience is that you have to find the right use case for your enterprise and organization. You have to find the right data to show on these cards so that you can make an impact in your organization.

So that's, I would say, the only difficult part. But then we are here to help you with that. The other thing regarding limitations there are not many limitations. You can create cards very easily using the widgets out of the box widgets we have. As I mentioned, we have a drag and drop interface that lets you construct these cards in very easy manner. You can place the widgets in a vertical fashion and and also add links on them and even images to just make them more visually appealing. Now here in the next couple of slides, I'm going to quickly go over some different cards and different lines of businesses. So here and here you can see that for sales, you can find account manager card or, you know, just a basic account information, how the account is doing, how the customer is doing, and you can overlay them on your CRM tools like Salesforce and your other internally built applications. Now in the retail industry, you can have store performance cards, you can have store manager cards. What I have seen in this industry is people usually have their tablets and iPads deploy to these store managers are probably these stores, and then they take a look at the overall 360 view of all these cards. Of all this information in the form of cards using hyper mobile, which is our app that will also go over in a bit.

Another thing I forgot to mention about the retail is a lot of people use our hyper mobile app to scan barcodes of products and get information instantaneously, so that also a great use case for using it in that industry. Now, in the call center case, you can see customer information. In the HR case, you can see the leadership can actually look at the employee's key metrics like, for example, how many education courses they've done or how many promotions they've gotten, what's their salary and other information so that they can help in the employee development process. Lastly, finance and finance, you have, you know, cards based on like, you know, banks or, you know, you can have a lot of metrics on the cards, you can have a lot of data in the form of numbers and you can even create compact cards that are very grid like so that you can look at all the numbers in just one go and see a trend.

And then in the pharma industry, health care providers and pharmaceutical industry, you can definitely look at, you know, such cards where you can see health patient information or or, you know, information on pharmaceutical products and so on. So now I'm going to hand it over to Russell to dive deeper into our product suite and see how these can help you and transform the way you work in your organization. So over to you, Ralph. Thank you very much, Anita. Not that you'll know how great hyper intelligence is, I'm going to tell you a little bit about how it works. The first thing you may be wondering is how complex it is. She's not complex at all. You can start your own environment in just a few minutes without the need of help from it team. Intelligence consists of six components that you see on the screen right now, and I want to walk you through each one. Next, like this. But before we're going to start by trying to explain a little bit about how it works, so how does it work? The first step that you see on the left is about bringing your data.

Can you go back one slide, please? Yes, thank you. So the first step on the left is about bringing your data to two intelligence, four that you can use any of our more 200 data sources with no hassle and no court next. You can proceed to build your cards that you see in the middle with an easy to use drag and drop interface. And finally, once a card is saved, it is visible on top of enterprise with applications that you use every day. As Nader was saying, like Salesforce worthy and many others, as well as Outlook for your emails and mobile device, which we'll see in a little bit. Next slide, please. OK, so now we're going to talk about intelligence, which is probably the one you saw the most on the previous damage from era. We just want Chrome or edge extension. You can see intelligence cars in every website or web application that your browser. When you turn on hyper intelligence for your browser, it scans your web page and adds, underlines or highlights for those keywords on each page so you don't really need to search for the answers.

The answers will find you. Hype intelligence requires zero clicks, which means that all you need to do is hover over those underlined or highlighted words, and contextual information and insights will show up in a card. If you want to make decisions even faster, you don't even need to hover because you can set up hyper intelligence to change the underlying colors based on a metric threshold. In that case, for instance, you can. If you're looking at a list of products, you can configure the underlines to be, say, color rev for those products that need to be restocked soon, that will make it easy for you to identify those products that require immediate attention. Next slide, please. So now hyper intelligence for office or outlook, we just want adding similar to the extension, hyper intelligence will scan your emails for keywords. Same keywords that you'll find on hyper web and they will display cards on the right panel, which you see on the screen to just browse related to your emails that you're getting or the context of those emails. Here you can see analytics alongside your collaboration. You can easily take actions by clicking on key workflows, like approving a purchase order. So as well. And by using hyper intelligence now that you can respond to request with an informed perspective based on contextual information.

From those emails, we all receive those emails about very important account that you need to respond immediately. Well, by using hyper, you can see the card and really see how important that account really is and respond appropriately or not respond if that's what you want. Neither can you move to the next one, please. Now, let's look at the Hyper intelligence for mobile with a mobile app, you can take the power of hyper intelligence everywhere they take your phone. With the app, you can search for keywords to see relevant cards and quick insights on the goal. My favorite feature is that you can integrate the app with your calendar, so that way you can get push notifications before the meeting starts, with cars full of complex information about your next meeting. You can also enable spotlight search for the app in IOS, and that way, you don't even need to open the app to search for cars. You can just run a normal search on your phone. Search for, say, an employee name. And the car will be displayed on there, as you're seeing also of them on the screen. If you cut that, we also have the ability to scan QR codes or barcodes to see relevant cards, which may be useful for some situations. Next slide, please. OK, so this is I show you a couple of the clients now. Let's see how is it that you created and how difficult that is? So it's actually pretty, pretty straightforward. In fact, in under about 30 minutes, I would say even 20, you would be able to create two to have an environment and create a credit card from beginning to end and have it in production. In using Microsoft your workstation app, you can connect using more than 200 data sources with built in connectors to help you upload the data you need just to point and click OK.

You really don't have to write any code, and you don't need to export the data and upload it. And that way you can establish a connection and have real life data. Then you build the cars with a very simple drag and drop editor. The data includes some built in templates that you can use if you like, or you can also remove an app widgets which we'll see in a minute if you prefer a more custom sign. Next, you can have security in controls. Really, really key piece of. This is not static data that seeing you're not seeing this card, and it's just something that you'll see now and tomorrow. It is connected to live data that is actually being obtained with security in mind. So you see the same strong built in security that makes trading platform supports. You can easily control who can see the cards and what data they can see. Imagine you have regional managers and you want them to only see the cards for the respective regions, which is typically the case. You can do that with a simple user interface to ensure that your data is secure.

Now, I can't create any metadata, which is where we store a repository for objects. It's available to all users, assuming you give them permission to see it. Of course, users can choose to turn on and off cards as they wish. But if you have a new, important card that you really want to push to all the users and be shown by default, all you have to do is set up the card's default state to one. And doing that will ensure that users will see the underlines in Hyper web automatically without having to do anything. They can still choose to turn it off. Finally, if you want to know your enterprise analytics adoption, just click on the platform analytics tab workstation and you can see immediately see how the cards are being used. Next slide, please. And do up to the next one, please. Another Yeah. Yeah so, yes, all of that can be done in just 30 minutes, but what exactly can you put in the car?

Really, almost anything you can imagine. One important thing with the car is you're trying to keep it simple. You're trying not to confuse a user with too much information. So it's important that you display that information so that you can use. It can take action immediately without necessarily fancy animations or things like that. We just want to show data. This is the car data that you're seeing workstation on the video that is shown on the screen. On the left panel, you'll see that there is a data set which contains your attributes and KPIs just for those of you familiar with macritchie. This comes from a cube that you procreate. Then you can add those into the right on the right. You will see a list of widgets available. You can display your KPIs using lists, a matrix, a ring chart or simple text on the right most panel. You will also see some formatting options that help you change the font color style size just to make sure you get the perfect card. You can also add images to visually show people what the car is about. Imagine just showing a picture of a product or maybe a profile picture of an employee. If you have a data scientist that are building AI or machine learning models to make recommendations for your decision makers. Card is really just the perfect place to put them because decision makers will be able to access this immediately without much effort. And finally, you may have noticed earlier that each car header color is the same as the color of the underline that appears in the website. That way, you can create a, say, a product card, and the product already is blue or the employees is perhaps red or something like that. Well, as we mentioned earlier, we just point and click OK. You can also add thresholds to the metric so people can make instant decisions based on the color of the underline without having to see the card. And that's what you see on the screen right now.

This is basically if you can play that, basically you select a list of from the list of metrics on your data set. You select one of them and it's going to show you basically a range of values. It pre-calculus the minimum and maximum value for that. And just by, by default, create speed ranges that you can pick the underlying color for each one of those. You can define your ranges. You can delete new ranges here, but this is a really, really powerful feature that really saves a lot of time. Makes like this. OK, so another interesting feature that Nader mentioned is about leaking really to two other systems, right? So cars can show a lot of relevant insights that allows you to make better decisions. But how can you have the cars help you take that next best action based on insights that you see, if you see that the stark of a product is low or that employee performance is good or bad and you want to take immediate action. The answer for that is contextual thinking, and that's what you see on usually that you can create those links on the header of a card and we can actually link things you can easily link to an existing keyword flows for every application that you use.

We have an API that you can pass dynamic parameters. The important, obviously you can. You can define a static link here, but the important thing is you're adding dynamic context into it. So if I'm seeing the card of a particular employee and I say I want to prove that in work, they an employee review with a simple click, I can go to work day and like that existing employee and be able to take an action quickly. You can also use this for approving a quote in Salesforce, or a cool feature that we're showing on screen right now is. Here is how you see that we create a link. You can define your icon. In this case, we're going to pick a dossier, and what we're doing here is selecting any pre-existing dossier on the metadata, and it automatically identifies that the dossier has a filter on the same thing that the card has. Obviously, there has to be a relationship between them. This case is customers, so all you have to do is just define the link. Now, as we hover from the card, if you go ahead and click on the link, it goes to my custody library to display the dossier that we pre-selected. And as you can see at the top, it actually shows the filter already passed in applied. You can still, you're now a mixture library.

You're free to clear the filter and do what you want. But usually we want to just help speed this filtering and make sure you're selecting the right element. Next slide, please. Now, you may be wondering if it's possible to empower your own customers with Hyper intelligence. You've seen the mixture extension. Obviously it is. It is branded with MicroStrategy. But that is actually possible with what we call white labeling with absolutely, really no coding. You can fully customize hyper web extension for your brand. You can personalize the look and feel of extension. And really, more importantly, you can put your own logo and your own text on it. So that so that you can really distribute this to your users as your brand. That way, you can deploy the extension to the Google Chrome store or Microsoft Store for your customers to download and see intelligence card everywhere they go on the web, including your own website.

Next, like this. So this video shows actually a customized extension, you see how it displays a custom icon and obviously has its own cards. I'm going to show you real quick how to do it. This is the workstation later. You just connect to the environment, choose to customize the web, and you can give it a name, of course, and define your name for your extension. You can also define different names for different locales in this case or language in these cases. We have another name for simplified Chinese, which we're going to also define. And really, there's a lot of things to change, the most important one, perhaps being the icon you can pick the icons for your application shows you a preview of where they are, and you can customize a few other things that you may wanted to just remove the branding and make it yours, generate the file and test it immediately. And you saw the results before that. So pretty powerful. Next slide, please. Now, speaking of your website, you know, before we were saying about you have the customized extension and it can work on any website, including yours. Well, in some cases, you probably want to embed hyper into your website for different reasons. You can embed it into your own application with just a few lines of prebuilt JavaScript code using what we call the SDK or JavaScript SDK. That way, your customers or employees don't even need to download an extension. They don't even need to know what the extension is. The cars will.

The underlines will show in your website and the cars will be available for all to consume. If you want to know a little more about that, please stay tuned for the next session where I will be talking about that and back to you later. Thanks, Ralph, for going over all the products. Now we are very excited to see what customers do with it, what our audience, what ideas our audience have. So I mean, whoever is now interested to try out hybrid intelligence, you can feel free to reach out to the email mentioned over here. Info at MicroStrategy and then we will reach out to you and help you explore all the options and other use cases for your enterprise. If you want to know more and you want to learn more about hyper intelligence, we have tons of great content on the link over here. Microstrategy hyper intelligence. We have customer stories, we have tutorials and a lot of other content that you can see to understand about cyber intelligence. And if you do happen to purchase cyber intelligence, then you will get access to all of these resources that will help you along your journey.

You will get the partnership, a world class certified enterprise support and consulting services experts, to solve any challenges for cyber intelligence or beyond. You will get a comprehensive catalog of courses and certifications to enable all user personas, from analysts to administrators to architects to business users. You will get all the training that you need to get you started with Hyper. Then with the free MicroStrategy community site, you can explore tutorial videos. You can get access to knowledge base articles that are written by our experts. You will get access to step by step instructions in the product documentation, so you will get all the resources you need to get you started in this journey. And lastly, you will also get a dedicated MicroStrategy account executive to help you in this journey as well, so they will help you in the brainstorming sessions and use case building and also until you get to production, will take care and make sure you are on the right path. So now I'm going to hand it over to Liana for Q&A and then we can get started on that. I thank you so much, Nita and Raoul, for such an excellent presentation. So in the next few minutes, we will address as many questions live as we can. And for those questions that we will not be able to address live, our experts will reach out and follow up with you and answer them outside the session. So once again, thank you for your engagement, so we will start with the first question.

And is Veeva CRM supported? That's a question on the intelligent. I can think that or you can win as well, but I think we're going to do the same thing. I'm not familiar with that particular application. Veeva CRM but if it works in the browser and the browser works on Chrome or edge, the latest edge, which is also chromium based, the extension should work. There are a few places where the extension is not able to. Basically, what the extension does is trying to find text in the page and then to inject the underline or highlights. In some particular cases, some of the applications will use like pictures like Canvas HTML elements, in which case we cannot select. But for the most part, most applications that are usually more static will just show simple HTML. In which case the extension should be able to show the undermines their. And just to add to that, you know, I think I worked on one case of a customer with Veeva CRM and it is based out of Salesforce. I guess it is built on top of that platform. So we are doing some internal research and kind of investigating whether, you know, I mean, we support Salesforce. So now supporting veeva would be a matter of testing. So we would be work.

I mean, we would love to work with that customer or that person who has asked this question in the audience. So probably I will take their names and contact them to see what they're looking for. But yeah, that's the information I have right now. Right, thank you for clarification, Nita. OK, our next question can help intelligence be integrated with the search feature within an application? I think it depends on the type of application I'll take that one, there is a hypothetical, as I mentioned in my last slide, I'm going to talk about that in the next session with the hypothetical. You can basically use the API to integrate the search in a normal Google Search as you're searching. Usually you will see underlines even on the suggestions that Google gives you. So any text that displayed on an app, on an application that runs in the browser can highlights can show up in there. But if you are willing to customize which, in some cases, you'll want to do so. The extension obviously does inject the highlights, but in some cases, you probably want to do a different user interface. In that case, you can probably use the SDK, which, like I said, we'll talk about in the next meeting, actually next session.

Upgrade and roll one more question for you can cards be pinned or stacked? Yes not, not currently without extra work. So the extension tries to give you the simplest actually interface that you can think of. So the way we do that is it shows like you hover over the card. As soon as you move your mouse out, you will move away. So because of that, you are not able to necessarily pin it or stack it. It is something that we have on the roadmap and something we plan to add for later. But we thought that could be like not an ideal user experience in case they pin it and they don't know how to close it. So for now, no, you have to hover and get basically look at the card that way. But also, I mean, using the SDK, you can do something like that. If if, if the person who asked have has look at the outlook for the intelligence for outlook, we actually have a right panel where we show multiple cards. In that case, it is more like that. You can actually show multiple cards there in that case. In that case, you could use the SDK with that probably too much work. Be able to implement that.

Great, thank you all. So the next question can help intelligence cards be used with a geolocation in triggering. So when I walk next to a supermarket, it would recognize it is based on a location proximity. Same extended to many other types of data. Yeah, I can take that one. So we have done some during our internal hackathons, we have tested that out. And we've used beacon technology and also Bluetooth technology to trigger these cards using hyper mobile. But it's not in production. We haven't released it as a feature. It's on our roadmap and we are looking for more traction around this and we want our customers or prospects to log and get in touch with account executives or to log these cases for us to kind of help us prioritize it in our roadmap. So that's an interesting use case, and we would like to know more as well. Great, thank you, Anita, and one question from a little bit earlier. How does licensing licensing work for Hyper intelligence? Yeah, I can take that one as well, so I would recommend licensing any licensing question to be not directed to account to your account executive or you could email in at MicroStrategy to know more about it.

But right now, that's something I won't be able to share. But yeah, those will be the experts who can help you get the right deal. And whatever, whatever it is. Thank you, Anita. OK, next question. That's hyper intelligence work in Microsoft Excel. And I can dig that one as well. So we have actually done again, a lot of research and we've created some, you know, you basically did some internal testing, and all of that. But again, it's on our roadmap. We are looking for actually use cases from our customers to know more about how their Excel sheets look like, whether they want the card to pop up on the sheet or on the side panel. And how they want basically the experience to look like. We want to know more before we build it. So again, I will probably take contact details through Julianna and then try to reach out to you to know more. But as of now, it's not there. We don't support Excel on the desktop tool and it's on our road. That's something we are considering and we are seeing some quite a bit of requests around that. And if I can add something quickly, that is one case where we have research that if you use Excel on the web, it used to work actually. And then it started, stop working for after some time. But what we identified is that basically Excel to optimize because there's too many cells typically in an Excel sheet, they actually chose an image, which is a conversational element. In that case, we don't always see is just that in a picture. So we're not able to really find the text and highlighted in some cases, very few cases it does work.

But as you start applying, formatting looks like some optimizations. In excel, we'll start using the Canvas and for the most part, it still doesn't work. Even on the web based application in the same situation would happen in something like Google maps, where we don't, we're not able to find the text. We have done some research on trying to use OCI to find the text, but it is just too expensive. And as neither mentioned before, one of the key things we need to do with Hyper is it has to be really fast, and anything that takes over a second is just a no-no, which again will continue investigating and if there's feedback. So because of the limitations of what technologies we figured, maybe and adding something similar to Outlook would be a solution, and that's where we have done some prototypes. But again, Excel is a different application. We don't know for a fact that people want us to add an underline in their Excel sheet because typically that's their data. So we're not sure how exactly it could work. So that it doesn't really get the way and it adds value, which is obviously what we're trying to do. So any more information you can give us about exactly the workflow that would be awesome. Thank you for all the details. So we will take one more question and then we'll answer all the other questions outside the session.

So the last question does office 365 outlook comes with add ins to integrate hyper intelligence? Yes, and that's the one that I showed. So Microsoft provides this adding similar to browsers' extensions. And yes, we do support the idea that you can create it in an office. And the good news also is once you create another and it actually works on the web version that also works on the desktop version. So that's the one product we can support on the, for instance, the outlook client, which is very popular. And yeah, as I explained before, the experience is a little bit different. It doesn't actually show the underlines on the email itself. Instead, it shows like a panel on the right, which you can see it, and that is basically due to technical limitations. But but also the same thing. It doesn't get in the way. It's just trying to add information. So you can just pin the Add in and see the information in that book in either version. But I thank you. Thank you, Rahul and Nita, and to all who attended the session. And again, to our speakers for such an insightful presentation. The recording of the session will be available on our website for viewing on demand. And I really hope to see you in our next session in this thread entitled data storytelling this dossier. And you can stay here to attend or explore our other sessions during this short break. Thank you again and see you there. 

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