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How Big Data Analytics Is Influencing UI and UX Development

How Big Data Analytics Is Influencing UI and UX Development

How Big Data Analytics Is Influencing UI and UX Development
Mashum Molla / 8 min read.
June 14, 2021
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In the last few years, data has permeated every single field of our existence. When it comes to software development, many believe that data holds the key to the correct formulation and precise execution. A notable area where big data analytics has made its presence felt is in the real of UI and UX development.
Creating a website has always been based on certain actionable inputs-
● Competitor reference
● Computer language and programming
● Budget and Timelines
In other words, every time someone has designed and developed a website, the above factors have been taken into consideration. However, while the above was influenced by subjective tastes and preferences , Big Data has changed the ecosystem completely.
In this informative piece of content, we are going to examine and discuss the following points-
What is Big Data Analytics
Top 5 Ways Big Data Analytics is influencing UI and UX development
Advantages of factoring in Big Data for the design and development process
The Final Analysis
If you are someone who is starting a new website design and development project, you might want to stick around till the end of the article.
Big Data Analytics: What is it and why has it become so important?
Data, Big Data, Big Data Analytics…
It seems that the hold and grip data has over decision-makers, policies and overall growth is increasing day by day.
The past few years have seen data become one of the strongest watchwords to be used in business organizations.
It rose to almost magical proportions thanks to its ability to show patterns, trends, conjectures, and figures that would help decision-makers in a host of areas.
The end goal of big data was to ensure that businesses are investing in areas and policies that reduce costs and ensure the biggest possible impacts.
Big Data Analytics is the process of evaluating big data to suit a businesses’ interests. It seeks to accumulate and analyze huge volumes of data to arrive at an informed decision. According to experts, the application of big data analytics can help in-
Creating a competitive advantage over the competitors. Since a business already knows what works and what doesn’t they can align their investments and efforts accordingly.
It can help in formulating and executing the best marketing plans and strategies. This can help in better reach, engagement, and branding opportunities.
Present potential areas and opportunities for maximizing revenue generation. Big Data Analytics can show customer segmentation and territorial and market differences.
Organizations looking to improve their internal operations and streamline efficiency can also benefit from big data analytics. It can pinpoint areas that need improvement.
The rise of organizations and professionals vouching for big data analytics continues to increase unabated. No matter what size an organization, it has in place some or the other way of relying on and benefitting from big data.
List of the Top 5 Ways Big Data Analytics is Influencing UI and UX Development
In this section, we are going to examine the top five ways big data analytics is influencing UI and UX development .
1. Cuts down the Timelines of UI and UX Development Projects-
All of us remember how designing a new website meant constant back and forth between the client and designers. Subjective preferences were highlighted every single time there was a difference of opinion. This created a lot of differences in project completion.
Needless to say, all these issues would delay the design and development project by a long time. By taking help from big data analytics UI and UX designers and developers already know about everything that is trending. They can easily integrate the same in the UI and UX.
In other words, subjective considerations have been replaced by objective data and facts. This reduces friction between the client and agency and allows for the completion of the website in a shorter time span.
2. Helps in Securing Automatic Updates and Bettering the UX-
With the rise of big data analytics, manual updates have become a thing of the past. With every possible update to the programming language, the design and development team does not adopt a manual approach to selecting updates that audiences will like and rejecting the ones they will not.
With the help of big data analytics, updates that are shown to be preferred by the audiences or website visitors will get automatically applied, whereas the rest will not be. UI and UX developers do not have to physically visit the website and fix updates.
This will not only reduce the dependence on the UI and UX agency but also ensure a smoother and more streamlined approach to updates. One area where this will prove to be highly beneficial is in the field of website security and best practices .
3. Charting out and Learning from the Heat Map Analysis
For a very long time, website owners were unable to track real performance and data from their websites. While they could see how many times a specific CTA had been clicked, they could not get an idea about hover functions, scrolling behavior, and so on.
In the last few years, big data analytics has been able to effectively break down the heat map analysis. It can specifically show which areas and pages of a website are attracting more visitors and encouraging them to stay for a longer period.
This can be used as a model of learning and other areas of the website can be altered or modified accordingly. Using big data analytics in this area can help to constantly improve a brand website and improve its digital performance in terms of traffic, CTRs, and more.
4. Creating more Attentive and Personalized User Experiences-
With the coming of big data analytics another exciting new piece of tech that is influencing UI and UX development is Artificial Intelligence. AI has been able to play a major role in personalizing the user experience for better engagement and conversions.
For example, every time you leave a music streaming platform and revisit it again, it shows you all your favorite artists, the genre of music, language, and more. Big Data Analytics together with AI becomes an instrumental force to boost website and app engagement.
In other words, it means that one website effectively appears in one million (or more) different forms to the different visitors and users. This is something that helps in creating better experiences for the users and allows the website to increase metrics, traffic and engagement.
5. Provides and Better Model of Testing than Customer Feedback Forms
If you have ever been involved in a website design and development project, you must have heard about A/B testing. You would have also heard about how customer feedback forms were rolled out every time a new website was launched.
Not anymore. With big data informing us at every step of the way, the need for customer feedback forms is a thing of the past. There are so many testing tools that are inbuilt in nature, which can help in trapping all the feedback necessary for improving a site’s performance.
This not only reduces dependence on customers and their subjective feedback but also for quickening the pace of any and all alterations and modifications that need to be made. This is a fast, simple, and effective alternative that delivers more precise results at all times.
Advantages of Factoring in Big Data for the UI and UX Process
In this article, we have seen how big data can be a great way to boost and optimize the UI and UX of a website. In this section, we are going to list down some of the major advantages of factoring in big data analytics for all your future website design and development projects-
Data-driven design approach- using big data analytics help in creating the entire process of the design and development in a very streamlined manner. There are no errors in the process as everything is informed by data. This improves efficiency and reduces errors.
More leads, traffic, and sales – if you know where your traffic is on the website, you can tailor-make their experience to boost conversions. Adding a simple search box or changing the CTA can help you get qualified and verifiable leads that can help in sales and revenue generation.
Technologically advanced website– everyone wants to have a website that is run on the latest and most superior technology currently available. We also want to have the latest updates, interfaces, templates, and so on. With big data informing your decisions , you will always have a tech-advanced website.
The Best ROIs among competitors– big data analytics delivers the best ROIs in terms of investments, lower extended and delayed timelines, and faster turnaround times. This not only helps give a competitive edge but also ensures that the business is heads and shoulders over its competitors.
Attractive and engaging website- last but by no means the least, you should not think that all the talk about data makes for an unattractive and uneventful website. That is not the case. Big data helps in creating a website that has the latest design interfaces that arrest the attention of the visitors.
The Final Analysis
While other aspects of software development have seen big data analytics playing a more permeable role, website UI and UX development are still hesitant of embracing it with open arms.
Some of the leading UI and UX agencies of our times have streamlined their processes and are now depending on big data to inform them at every step of the way.
From impressing consumers thanks to the personalized nature of experiences to showing exactly which areas need improvement on a website, big data analytics has come a long way.
In the coming years, the incorporation of big data analytics into the design and development process is expected to rise in a major way. If you have any doubts that you would want us to clear, or discuss any of the points in greater details, do let us know in the comments section below. 

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