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AI Website: How Artificial Intelligence Can Improve Websites

AI Website: How Artificial Intelligence Can Improve Websites

Artificial Intelligence, or AI, has become an increasingly hot topic in the marketing world. The reason? AI technology can automate tasks, simplify complex processes, and organize complicated datasets just as a real marketing professional would — only faster and more accurately.

In the early days of artificial intelligence, this idea of automation seemed threatening to the human workforce. But we’re of the mindset that AI simply enables humans to do better, more informed work. As it turns out, most businesses agree. Consider these statistics:

A company’s website is the equivalent of a digital first impression. Without the right tools, your website might make the wrong first impression — losing valuable business for your company.

Here’s where artificial intelligence can help. The newest AI technologies can elevate and transform your business website to improve the customer experience and generate more conversions. Here are 11 advanced ways to use AI to improve your business website.

Designing and building a website is a complicated process — particularly for those with little experience. Luckily, many popular website platforms now leverage the power of artificial intelligence to make website creation easier. Using these technologically advanced platforms, you can enter a few basic datapoints and have a fully optimized website created for you.

Although most large companies prefer to develop websites on their own, this type of tool is often a lifesaver for small or new businesses.

If your website doesn’t show up for the appropriate search queries, you’ll have a difficult time attracting new visits and new business. In the past, SEO was somewhat of a mystery. But now, with artificial intelligence and machine learning, advanced SEO tools can quickly identify website problems and offer feedback to improve your search rankings.

Personalized marketing is a requirement these days. Your customers not only want personalized content, they expect it. The only hang up here is that it’s time-consuming and expensive to collect information about visitors and then serve them perfectly timed and targeted content. AI, however, streamlines and scales this process.

Rather than targeting segments of your audience, AI now enables you to cater to an audience of one. Consider how much more effective your website would be if you could offer personalized recommendations, text, deals, and more—all triggered by the click of a link. Artificial intelligence makes this possible.

Content marketing is the go-to strategy for many marketers, and for good reason: content marketing generates about three times as many leads and is 62% less expensive than outbound marketing tactics. With the help of artificial intelligence, marketers now have access to more information about how people consume and interact with their content.

Not only can AI uncover important content trends, but it can also independently gather the resources you need to create more content. Think topic analysis, trending subjects, user-generated content, influencer marketing, and more.

AI-based systems like chatbots and automated user flows have transformed the world of customer service. These tools can analyze a user’s question and serve a response based on language and behavior cues.

Because of AI, less human labor is needed to provide excellent customer service. And this hasn’t gone unnoticed. In fact, eight out of 10 businesses had already implemented or were planning to adopt AI as a customer service solution in 2020.

AI can supplement the content process in other ways as well — specifically by curating content. The latest technology uses machine learning to analyze a website visitor’s behavior and curate a library of content that speaks to that specific person’s wants and needs. It can be used to suggest helpful articles, interesting products, and keep your audience engaged longer than if they were searching for content themselves.

Did you know it costs five times more to acquire new customers than it does to retain existing ones (source)? This statistic paints a clear picture: Customer churn costs your business money and does damage to your reputation. But, what if we told you we had a tool that could analyze customer interactions to predict and prevent customer churn?

Fortunately, artificial intelligence has made this kind of technology a reality. Through predictive analysis and machine learning, AI can help develop a risk model comprised of signals that indicate how likely a customer is to end their relationship with your company. Then, it can either send you a warning or automatically serve a solution to prevent that customer from walking away.

Artificial intelligence makes it easy to create an accessible website for those who are deaf, hard of hearing, or visually impaired. Consider using an AI-based tool to transcribe videos, provide closed captioning, or offer audio readings of your content.

For B2B companies, a key purpose of a website is to generate leads and capture contact information. But if you’ve worked in marketing for any length of time, you know how difficult it can be to get visitors to complete an offer. If your form is too long, your prospects will lose interest. If your form is too short, you’ll miss important qualifying datapoints. The solution? Artificial intelligence.

AI can analyze your existing customer base and identify important trends and commonalities. Then, you can use this information to optimize your entire website or just your lead generation landing pages. Optimization can include the language you use, your website flow, imagery, and more.

Most importantly, though, AI can also be used to process large amounts of data to discover and recommend potential customers, all based on how people interact with your website.

67% of the buyer’s journey is now done digitally (source). This means what people say about your business online really matters. Fortunately, artificial intelligence can analyze large blocks of text and quickly determine the sentiment behind it. This is helpful for two reasons — one, it can help you determine how people will react to your website. Does your text read as too aggressive? Too tacky? AI can help.

AI can also quickly determine the sentiment of social media posts or customer reviews and bring them to your attention. Then, you can address the negative reviews and leverage the positive reviews for content creation or brand awareness.

One of the most useful applications of AI is design and user experience optimization. AI gathers behavioral data in real time to produce actionable feedback marketers can use to improve the user experience of their website. More advanced tools can even make these changes on the fly.

Think about how much more effective your A/B tests, or UX experiments would be if you could implement them in real time, based on one specific user’s behavior. Quickly change the layout of a page, reduce the number of form fields, or even swap out a banner image on the fly.

The best part? AI removes the guesswork. All ‘decisions’ made by AI tools and technologies are founded on real data analysis. Aside from making your marketing more effective,  AI makes it more strategic and purposeful.

As a marketer, the more information you have about your customers and prospects, the more successful you will be. AI facilitates the gathering and analysis of data that humans just aren’t capable of. Don’t worry about being replaced by a robot. AI simply enables marketers to do more of what they want to do- market!

Never again will a marketing campaign be a shot in the dark — instead, AI will allow every message, campaign, or advertisement to be a highly targeted, strategic marketing move.

If you’re looking to gather more information about your prospects and customers, ZoomInfo can help. Use our platform to analyze your data, create buyer personas, and target more potential customers. Contact us today.

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