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How businesses accelerate their analytics to get answers faster

 How businesses accelerate their analytics to get answers faster

Data Xpresso: How businesses accelerate their analytics to get answers faster
Organizations want to speed up their analytics and BI to achieve real-time insights and to handle more data more frequently than ever before. They want to go beyond being responsive and gain a competitive advantage from their data. But how do they do it?
In this week’s webinar we will look at options for organizations to improve the performance of their analytics environment.
Jun 23 1:30 pm UTC 30 mins
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Helena Schwenk, Technology Evangelist,; Eva Murray, Technology Evangelist | Exasol
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Data Xpresso: How NLP can revolutionize analytics/how we ask questions of data Jun 30 2020 1:30 pm UTC 30 mins
Helena Schwenk, Technology Evangelist,; Eva Murray, Technology Evangelist | Exasol
Natural Language Processing (NLP) can be a game changer in organizations that want all of their people to work with data. But what are the opportunities of using NLP in everyday work?
In this webinar we talk to Simone di Somma, CEO and Co-Founder of Askdata, a Y Combinator-backed technology startup working at the intersection of NLP and Data Analytics. We’ll dig into how NLP can be used to get answers to questions from the data by leading the process with the user experience and creating an intuitive interface for analytics.
How to Work with Row and Column Level Security in Exasol Jun 25 2020 1:30 pm UTC 45 mins
Zach Adda, Pre-Sales Engineer, Exasol
Row Level Security (RLS) and Column Level Security (CLS) play a key role in protecting your organization’s data and helping you adhere to compliance regulations. But how do you get started?
In this webinar, Zach Adda, pre-sales engineer at Exasol, will take you through a step-by-step guide showing you how easy it is to use, setup and maintain RLS and CLS, all in less than 40 minutes.
Data Science als Verbindung von menschlicher und künstlicher Intelligenz Jun 24 2020 1:00 pm UTC 60 mins
Carsten Weidmann, Tech Alliance Manager bei Exasol und Oliver Bracht, Chief Data Scientist bei Eoda
Die Verbindung von menschlicher Expertise und künstlicher Intelligenz bei der Entwicklung von Algorithmen, sowie bei der Auswahl der passenden Technologien in der Anwendung dieser Algorithmen, gehört zu den zentralen Erfolgsfaktoren von Data Science Projekten.
Im Rahmen dieses Webinars lernen Sie anhand konkreter Praxisbeispiele zur Anomalie-Erkennung, wie Algorithmen in Zusammenarbeit von Data Science Spezialisten und Fachabteilungen erfolgreich entwickelt und unter Einsatz der richtigen Technologien produktiv angewendet werden können.
Data Xpresso: How businesses accelerate their analytics to get answers faster Jun 23 2020 1:30 pm UTC 30 mins
Helena Schwenk, Technology Evangelist,; Eva Murray, Technology Evangelist | Exasol
Organizations want to speed up their analytics and BI to achieve real-time insights and to handle more data more frequently than ever before. They want to go beyond being responsive and gain a competitive advantage from their data. But how do they do it?
In this week’s webinar we will look at options for organizations to improve the performance of their analytics environment.
Das zukunftsfähige DWH – Vorgehen und Erfolgsfaktoren bei der Modernisierung Recorded: Jun 18 2020 47 mins
Carsten Weidmann, Technical Alliance Manager bei Exasol & Matthias Braun, Lead Consultant bei Trevisto
Die meisten Unternehmen stehen heute vor der Herausforderung, ihre Datenbestände schneller nutzbar zu machen, um den Weg zu einem datengetriebenen Unternehmen gehen zu können. Um für die Zukunft gerüstet zu sein, ist es jetzt an der Zeit, bestehende Data- Warehouse-Systeme zu modernisieren. Wenn Sie mehr darüber erfahren möchten, wie Datenbanksysteme lokal verbessert oder in die Cloud verlagert werden können, bietet dieses Kooperations-Webinar mit dem Exasol-Partner Trevisto AG einen fundierten Einstieg.
Lernen Sie weiterhin in diesem Webinar, wie Sie mit leistungsstarken Komponenten der Analytics-Datenbank von Exasol und einem praxistauglichen bewährten Vorgehen
• ein existierendes Data Warehouse modernisieren,
• Datenbestände und Reports migrieren und
• entscheidende Mehrwerte aus Ihren Daten heben können.
Außerdem zeigen wir Ihnen, wie Sie:
• konsolidierte Daten aus diversen Quellen sinnvoll zusammenbringen
• in einem hybriden Ansatz flexibel und kostensparend Ressourcen in der Cloud nutzen
• ein Data Warehouse fehlerfrei in die Cloud migrieren
• konsequent die Konsistenz Ihrer Metriken sicherstellen sowie
• eine Datenbank sicher „as-a-Service“ betreiben
Matthias Braun ist Lead Consultant bei der Trevisto AG. Er leitet umfangreiche Datawarehouse- und Migrationsprojekte. Der Experte erläutert in diesem Webinar, welche Prozesse etabliert sind beim Umzug von Datenbanken, mit welchem Vorgehen es gelingen kann, ein Data Warehouse zu modernisieren und warum die Technologien der neuesten Generation besonders geeignet sind, eine zentrale Datenbank sicher in der Cloud zu betreiben.
Data Xpresso: Citizen Data Scientists: the answer to the ‘talent’ gap? Recorded: Jun 16 2020 23 mins
Helena Schwenk, Technology Evangelist,; Eva Murray, Technology Evangelist | Exasol
In this episode of DataXpresso we will be tackling the subject of citizen data scientists and whether the hype surrounding them can really live up to reality.
A citizen data scientist (CDS) is broadly defined as an individual that can extract sophisticated insights from data while not requiring the skill and proficiency of an expert data scientist.
CDSs have been heralded as an answer to the talent gap we see around the scarce, and highly sought after skills needed for data science.
However, while there are some real benefits to lowering the entry level for data science, what are the practicalities of becoming, or working with, a CDS?
What steps can we take to identify a potential CDS and ensure their success?
Tune in on June 16th to learn more.
Data Xpresso: Moving to the cloud - managing costs and migration complexities Recorded: Jun 9 2020 21 mins
Helena Schwenk, Technology Evangelist,; Eva Murray, Technology Evangelist | Exasol
The cloud has become pivotal for businesses that need flexibility and convenience but it might not always be the most cost effective option. To help organizations avoid cost explosions from their cloud deployment we will share our recommendations for planning your move into the cloud.
We will also address the topic of migrating to the cloud. This comes with its own complexities and we will tackle the question of ‘what is your cloud strategy’ to help you navigate the process more effectively.
Data Xpresso: What changing tech investment plans mean for data and analytics Recorded: Jun 2 2020 23 mins
Helena Schwenk, Technology Evangelist,; Eva Murray, Technology Evangelist | Exasol
What are industry experts saying about changing investment priorities? What does this mean for your business now and in the long-term? Find out in this webinar.
Necessity is the mother of innovation as the saying goes and this is certainly true in the current environment. A tough operating climate is forcing organizations to rethink how they leverage technology investments and accelerate their adoption to support the business.
In this episode of Data Xpresso, we'll take a look at what the industry experts are saying and their view on changing technology investment priorities specifically relating to cloud, analytics and machine learning. Most importantly, we’ll be addressing what this means for businesses in the short and longer term.
Andreas Scheel, Senior Sales Engineer, Exasol
An introduction into data warehousing with Data Vault in combination with Exasol.
This webinar will take you through the benefits of Data Vault and how Exasol solves the challenges that Data Vault poses.
Andreas Scheel, senior sales engineer at Exasol will:
- Guide you through the core principles of Data Vault
- Explain where it can help in your daily information lifecycle
- How to use Exasol to mitigate and solve challenges that Data Vault brings
Required knowledge:
-Basic understanding of Data Warehouse modelling concepts
- Basic understanding of database systems
Data Xpresso meets Seth Cochran, Founder & CEO of Operation Fistula Recorded: May 26 2020 24 mins
Helena Schwenk, Technology Evangelist,; Eva Murray, Technology Evangelist | Exasol
Special guest Seth Cochran takes us through how he built a nonprofit for maternal health and how his data-driven approach completely flipped the typical nonprofit funding model on its head to lead to more effective and better outcomes for women and girls.
Data Xpresso: Build your data skills with Exacademy Recorded: May 19 2020 17 mins
Helena Schwenk, Technology Evangelist,; Eva Murray, Technology Evangelist | Exasol
Ready to expand your database and analytics knowledge? Join us as we share how our Exacademy online learning platform gives you the skills you need when it comes to in-memory analytical database technology.
In this webinar you will learn about our free online courses and certifications, what topics they cover and what you can expect to learn. We will also share resources for accessing free training for complementary analytics tools by our technology partners, so you can build your knowledge across the entire data stack.
Data Xpresso: How can we all improve data literacy during a pandemic? Recorded: May 12 2020 27 mins
Helena Schwenk, Technology Evangelist,; Eva Murray, Technology Evangelist | Exasol
Is data literacy improving in organizations and what practical steps can businesses take to address it head on?
The flurry of statistics, data and visuals around the current crisis has got everyone talking about data. This is no doubt a good thing for our industry. However, we also know that the implications of understanding, interpreting and aligning data goes far beyond the context of this pandemic. Data literacy matters for businesses and their employees and is expected to play an even bigger role as organizations navigate their way through this crisis.
In this webinar, we will discuss the state of play of data literacy; is it improving in organizations and what practical steps can businesses take to address it head on? Plus we will look at the uptick in online training courses now people are working from home, and how this can help data literacy efforts. We look forward to you joining us for the next episode of DataXpresso.
Data Xpresso: How the pandemic is impacting industries and how data can help Recorded: May 5 2020 25 mins
Helena Schwenk, Technology Evangelist,; Eva Murray, Technology Evangelist | Exasol
The global crisis caused by the COVID-19 pandemic is impacting organizations across industries, geographical regions and from small businesses to large enterprises.
In spite of the wide reaching consequences the disruption being felt across verticals will vary considerably as each faces different challenges and consequences.
In this webinar we will discuss how businesses are changing working practices in response to the crisis and how the use of data and analytics is helping companies navigate the crisis and lay future foundations for digital processes and business models as they steer a path forward, toward recovery.
Model driven decision making (Session1: Concepts) - Deutsch Recorded: Feb 21 2020 58 mins
Dirk Lerner - Tedamoh, Mathias Brink - Exasol, André Dörr - Exasol
The fictitious company FastChangeCo has developed a possibility to manufacture Smart Devices, but also to extend the Smart Devices as wearables in the form of bio-sensors to clothing and living beings. With each of these devices, a large amount of (sensitive) data is generated. Based on this data, FastChangeCo aims to make forward-looking decisions. On the one hand, this is intended to encourage customers to make targeted purchases, but also to significantly improve the quality of existing products and develop future products. In this presentation, the speakers will show how FastChangeCo has achieved its goals by rapidly building the required computing capacity in its Hybrid Cloud Data Warehouse architecture using existing enterprise technologies.
In this presentation, the speakers will show how FastChangeCo has achieved its goals by rapidly building the required computing capacity in its Hybrid Cloud Data Warehouse architecture using existing enterprise technologies. The elasticity thus achieved contributes significantly to a cost-efficient solution.
Model driven decision making (Session1: Concepts) Recorded: Feb 19 2020 57 mins
Dirk Lerner - Tedamoh, Mathias Brink - Exasol, André Dörr - Exasol
The fictitious company FastChangeCo has developed a possibility to manufacture Smart Devices, but also to extend the Smart Devices as wearables in the form of bio-sensors to clothing and living beings. With each of these devices, a large amount of (sensitive) data is generated. Based on this data, FastChangeCo aims to make forward-looking decisions. On the one hand, this is intended to encourage customers to make targeted purchases, but also to significantly improve the quality of existing products and develop future products. In this presentation, the speakers will show how FastChangeCo has achieved its goals by rapidly building the required computing capacity in its Hybrid Cloud Data Warehouse architecture using existing enterprise technologies.
In this presentation, the speakers will show how FastChangeCo has achieved its goals by rapidly building the required computing capacity in its Hybrid Cloud Data Warehouse architecture using existing enterprise technologies. The elasticity thus achieved contributes significantly to a cost-efficient solution.
Performance pur: Mit Sports Analytics zu optimierten Business-Entscheidungen Recorded: Feb 13 2020 42 mins
Eva Murray, Head of BI und Tableau Evangelist, Exasol - Bennet Poniewaz Consultant Business Solutions BA, Sievers Group
Lernen Sie in unserem Webinar am Beispiel von Sports-Analytics, wie moderne Analysetools Ihre Daten in wertvolle Erkenntnisse verwandeln:
Experten von Exasol und Sievers Group zeigen Ihnen anhand von Anwendungsfällen in der Realität, wie Unternehmen von den Analysen im Leistungssport lernen können – und schneller, bessere Ergebnisse generieren. Aus dem Sport. Für Ihr Business.
Außerdem zeigen wir Ihnen „Multi-dimensional decision making“ und wie bereits heute Echtzeitarchitekturen diese Anwendungsfälle erst möglich machen.
DWH Automatisierung: Sparen Sie Zeit und Kosten Recorded: Feb 6 2020 49 mins
André Dörr, Data Engineer, Exasol - Beat Bannwart, Product Manager, 2150
In unserem Webinar lernen Sie, wie sie den ‚Time-To-Market‘ ihrer BI-Lösung durch intelligente Datawarehouse-Automatisierung verbessern. Wie? Mit dem Datavault Builder kombinieren Sie modell- und datengetriebene Verfahren zur DHW Automatisierung, um noch mehr aus ihrer Exasol Datenbank herauszuholen:
Im Webinar zeigen wir Ihnen wie Datavault Builder und Exasol bereits erfolgreiche zahlreiche Tools ersetzt haben, z.B. für das Database Design, Scheduling, Deployment bis hin zu ETL Tools – alles in einer integrierten Lösung. Neben Nutzen und Vorteilen zeigen wir Ihnen auch in einer Live Demo, wie Sie unterschiedlichste Daten aus Live-Quellen integrieren.
Minutes to Migrate - How to quickly load and analyze data in your BI tool Recorded: Dec 10 2019 29 mins
Zach Adda, Sales Engineer, Exasol - Emily Wardell, Partner & Alliance Manager, Exasol
Data visualization tools are pivotal to turning data into intelligence that can be effectively applied within your business. But how do you get them set up in the first place? More importantly, how do you do that quickly?
In this webinar, Zach Adda, pre-sales engineer at Exasol, will guide you through the process of how you can use Exasol to migrate data sets of any size from your legacy data source in a matter of minutes. There are many ways you can do this but this session will focus specifically on how you can quickly load and analyze data in Tableau.

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