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Developer Network | Mapbox

Developer Network | Mapbox

Developer Network
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Have a mapping project in mind? Browse top developers with skills that match your project needs.
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Once you find the best fit, follow-up after your project is complete to showcase your app!
Meet our developers
These talented developers have contributed successful web and mobile projects and are experts with the Mapbox stack. These are just a few of our favorites.
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Andrew Harvey
Mapbox implementer with experience in geospatial data, map design and web development. Strong background working with commercial and government clients.
Sydney, Australia
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Paul Franz
Decade plus experience with mission-driven organizations, news, NGO's and nonprofits. Excel in policy and news product work. Specialize in Mapbox's scrollytelling library, motion design, satellite imagery, dataviz, and 3D.
New York, USA
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Victor Temprano
Victor leads Mapster, a web and mobile mapping team, as well as Native Land, an organization dedicated to mapping Indigenous territories. Get in touch for any kind of impact projects, or just making great map applications.
Vancouver, BC Canada
Cartography, with a focus on worldwide interactive/slippy basemaps
Seattle, WA USA
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As a specialist in data and location technology, Ubilabs supports visionary companies that shape the future. As experts in Mapbox GL, they work with Big Data, live dashboards, and 3D representations on the map. Based in Hamburg, Munich, and SFO, they bring projects to life for well-known customers in Europe and the US.
Hamburg, Germany
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Ricardo Saavedra
30-person team, focused on desktop/mobile dashboard development and analytics. More than 40 projects in Health, Climate Change, Urban/Transport, + Logistics.
Washington, DC
CartoLab builds data-driven software applications that leverage geospatial technologies for providing insightful visualizations and insights.
Bluffton, SC
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Rob Chohan
Offline maps for Android, iOS, and desktop. With applications for conventions, museums, or other low internet access locations.
San Diego, CA, United States
Specializing in web and digital cartography, as well as web development and design.
Burlington, VT, United States
Frequently asked questions
Do I need to know the budget?
Budgets will help but are not required. You are more likely to get a response from a developer with a budget in mind even if it’s an approximation or range. Having a clear scope for your project will help you formulate costs so be sure to include as many details that will affect each task completion.
Can I hire Mapbox staff?
Unfortunately, we don’t have the resources to provide customers with full application development but our support team is ready to guide you in the right direction or recommend someone from our Developer Network.
What if the developer never gets back to me?
Projects may not be responded to for a number of reasons but more often than not, the project was not sufficiently scoped or the budget is too low. Consider giving as many details up front to find the best fit.
Who is contractually obliged?
Mapbox recognizes Developer Network members as expert users of our products, we do not endorse members with the Mapbox name, logo, or branding. It is up to you and the developer to reach contractual agreements on completion and payment terms.
If your project requires a non-disclosure agreement (NDA), you and the selected developers are responsible for establishing terms before proceeding on project proposals.
Do developers work with non-profits?
Absolutely! Browse the list of projects for non-profit projects.

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