
The Data Daily

Education and Workforce Working Group

Education and Workforce Working Group

Education and Workforce Working Group
Education and Workforce Working Group
Join the Education & Workforce Working Group
The Education & Workforce Working Group meets virtually the first Friday of every month at 11AM EST!
The Education and Data Science Workforce Group consists of South Hub members from industry, academia, and government actively engaged in securing funding for and developing: (1) the use of government open data to support education and training in data science; (2) faculty and student data science training and curriculum development; (3) broadening and deepening the data science talent and workforce base; (4) connecting training in academia to industry and government needs, and (5) workforce development experiences for students to connect to industry, government, and non-profit organizations.
Chaired by Renata Rawlings-Goss
The South Hub Education and Workforce Working Group is seeking speakers for monthly working group calls.  If you are interested in sharing your research, projects, or resources, please contact Kendra Lewis-Strickland and Renata Rawlings-Goss . 
The Data Science Education and Workforce Working Group is an open monthly professional working group for data science educators and program leaders to talk and hear from other programs around the country, as well as learn about resources for connecting with data, tools, industry partners, and research. 
The focus of the group is to: 
Highlight funded Data Science education projects, programs, and resources 
Share best-practices for project-based courses & teaching approaches
Provide experiences with assessment or evaluation approaches for Data Science teaching or Data Science programs.
The Education & Workforce Working Group meets virtually the first Friday of every month at 11AM EST, if you are interested in the group, join the mailing list.
Interested in Project-Based Teaching or Program Assessment?  
Join of our two sub-working groups focused on these topics.  These sub working groups are led by community members to define the direction of the sub-working group and the outputs needed in this community.  If you're interested in joining the Project-Based Teaching or Program Assessment sub-working groups, please contact Kendra Lewis-Strickland at klewis-strickland@gatech.edu .
Resources for Learners, Educators, Program Leaders and General Purposes
Each month the speakers provide and reference valuable resources to benefit the Education & Workforce Community.  Resources include course curriculum, course designs, course materials, and other resources.
Friday, October 7, 2022 at 11AM EST.
Ed Pearson | S.E.E.D.S - Summer Data Science Academy for Undergraduate Students at Two HBCUs
Dr. Ed Pearson III is an Assistant Professor at Alabama A&M University in the College of Engineering, Technology, and Physical Sciences. Dr. Pearson is also the director of the Cybersecurity Outreach and Research (COR) Lab. Dr. Pearson’s research combines both cyber/information security and human-computer interaction with emphasis on social engineering and phishing attacks. Dr. Pearsonbelieves that data science is essential to defending against cyber threats. In his free time Dr. Pearson enjoys great food and good music.  
David Lockett | Summer Data Science Academy: Promoting Data Science with Robotics and NASA Geospatial and Extraterrestrial Big Data for Grades 9-12
David Lockett serves as the Co-PI for the SACS Summer Data Science Academy: Promoting Data Science with Robotics and NASA Geospatial and Extraterrestrial Big Data for Grades 9-12 The project combines robotics and big data, at the Meharry Medical College School of Applied Computational Sciences (SACS) The key objective of the program is to stimulate curiosity in the cross-cutting field of data science through data science-driven, hands-on, STEM activities deploying real-life application scenarios and industrial grade robotic systems.
Eugene Levin | Summer Data Science Academy: Promoting Data Science with Robotics and NASA Geospatial and Extraterrestrial Big Data for Grades 9-12
Dr. Eugene Levin, ASPRS Certified Photogrammetrist, joined Meharry Medical College as a professor in the School of Applied Computational Sciences in October 2021. He is an expert in geospatial science and technology with more than 30 years of academic and industry experience in photogrammetry, GIS, WebGIS, mapping, remote sensing, cartography, 3D visualization, human factors, robotics, Lidar, If-SAR, UAV, and aerial and satellite product development.
Dr. Levin has published 47 papers and a book in his field. He has demonstrated sustainable research collaborations with scientists from Czech Republic, Germany, Israel, Italy, Poland, China, Belarus, Lithuania, Ukraine, Russia and Kazakhstan. Highlights of his work include:
Created a new eye tracking-based approach to cognitive GIS and geospatial image processing;
Developed a 4D-GIS system for manned/unmanned robotic platforms navigation, guidance, control and prediction;
Initiated, designed, and tested small UAV platforms including one produced on 3D printer; and
Developed a mobile mapping platform integrating GPS, lidar, and imaging sensors.
Working Group Chairs
Renata Rawlings-Goss-Georgia Institute of Technology (chair), Andrew Zieffler- University of Minnesota (co-chair), Chris Tunnell- Rice University (co-chair), and Leah Wasser – University of Colorado Boulder (co-chair).

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