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How Brands are Winning with Live Streaming Influencers - Fanatics Media

How Brands are Winning with Live Streaming Influencers - Fanatics Media

The Hollywood Housewives series is a mega-hit among a select, targeted female audience.

For brands, these “Reality TV” stars do as well on TV as they do offline. Why? Because they understand the reality of connecting with their audience in a live environment.

Imagine your favorite TV star showing up at your house to discuss their favorite nutrition product. Imagine your friends gathered around the dining room table listening in. Now imagine they are able to interact with the star – asking questions – making comments – receiving advice.

Enter Live Streaming.  64% of people have watched a live online video in the past year and 80% would rather watch a live video from a brand than read its blog. Compelling evidence right?

“Yes” and “no”. Yes, it’s clear, video dominates the written word in most circumstances – especially with influencers. No, like TV, Live Streaming

Yes, it’s clear, video dominates the written word in most circumstances – especially with influencers. No, like TV, Live Streaming

And “no”, like TV, Live Streaming must be seen live in order to maximize its benefits. Live Streaming is typically recorded so your audience can view it later, but only as a passive audience member.

At Fanatics, we’ve hired several reality stars and several influencers that have helped introduce our client’s products to the world. We see an average 4X return on investment in the short term and 5X – 6X in the long term as the recorded videos are uploaded to YouTube and embedded on our client’s websites.

Bottom line, it’s a powerful medium for brands and influencers and should be part of your marketing arsenal. The best Live Streaming platforms Gravy.live (disclosure: Gravy is a client) and Facebook.

Take a look at below as KoeppelDirect dives into the reality of Live Streaming today:

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