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Content Driven Marketing: How to Make Captivating Content, 6 Top Tips

Content Driven Marketing: How to Make Captivating Content, 6 Top Tips

Bringing in consistent traffic for your site is the first challenge. But, it doesn’t end there. Traffic without conversions is a waste.

Hence, it is important to optimize your website in a way that brings in consistent traffic that converts. 

Content marketing is one of the best ways to improve your eCommerce conversion rates. This is because creating captivating content can help your potential buyers connect with your brand better.

When you put out good, high-quality content, initial touch-points in the awareness stage of your funnel will eventually turn into brand loyalty. In fact, stats show that 70% of consumers feel closer to a brand as a result of content marketing.

Read on to find out some effective, actionable tips to create captivating content for your eCommerce website and boost your conversions.

By the time you’re done reading this post, you’ll know the six best types of content to create when using content driven marketing strategies.

Content driven marketing is a form of marketing focused on creating, publishing, and distributing content for a targeted audience on your website and on social media for the specific purpose of educating the targeted audience.

Read on to discover six effective content driven marketing tips.

Did you know that 70% of consumers would learn about your brand from an article rather than an advertisement?! Hence, it is extremely important to create and maintain a high-quality blog on your eCommerce website.

Bloggingis not something that will give you instant results like advertisements. But by consistently creating relevant and engaging content, you’ll be able to create a loyal base of consumers who are likely to come to the bottom of your sales funnel like a slippery slide.

For instance, IFCHIC, a fashion brand, multiplies their organic traffic by creating engaging and relevant blog posts on trending topics. This has helped them to get discovered by potential customers through Google search and thus led to a considerable improvement in their conversions. 

Apart from putting out blog content regularly, it is also important to work on SEO for your eCommerce store.

With the amount of information overload available in the online world today, it has become very difficult to catch the attention of people and win their interest. With so much competition in the eCommerce world, how do you stand out? Creating high-quality video content can definitely help you with it!

Videos have always had the capability to capture the precious attention of users more than any other form of content. In fact, 85% of consumers are more likely to make a purchase after watching a video about it! Also, videos are the most shared form of content on social media and are more likely to go viral when compared to other types of content.

The types of video content you can make are endless, but here are a few examples:

Infographics are again one of the most popular linkable assets that you can create. Everyone loves a visual breakdown of complex topics. So, if you have got something unique and interesting to share, it can be the best opportunity for you to create an infographic on it.

When it comes to infographics, quality and visual-appeal are super-important. Your infographic should contain information that is unique and intriguing to your customers. The design of your infographic is also important, which is why it is best to invest in good graphic designers for creating infographics.

Promoting your infographics is the most important step to gather the right attention. Hence makes sure that you promote your infographics on all possible platforms including your email list, blog posts, and social media platforms.

Are you ready to learn more content driven marketing tips?

Using customers to validate your products and creating content around it is one of the best ways to gain trust from potential customers. These types of content will make your brand more humanized and real. Hence, this will make a huge impact on your brand affinity.

If you’ve got good product reviews, ratings, testimonials, or social media mentions from customers, reach out to them. Learn more about their story or experience with your brand. And with their permission, create content around their stories. This content can be in the form of case studies, videos, or social media posts.

Related Reading: 8+ Advantages and Disadvantages of Social Media for Business

Influencer marketing is being leveraged by most of the top eCommerce brands today because the ROI that brands can gain from it is massive. Influencers in your industry have a huge massive following which most likely coincides with your target audience. 

Hence, when a not-so-well-known eCommerce brand is embraced by an influencer, the brand’s products are exposed to a massive audience who might have an interest in it. Plus, the influencers have gained the trust of their followers through years of hard work, and hence, they endorsing your products, attaches a lot of credibility to your brand.

No one is interested in outdated and boring content. Trendy content is the most captivating form of content out there. Many eCommerce brands make the mistake of creating content based on assumptions. Using your content on trending topics instead of mere assumptions can give you a huge jump start ahead of competitors.

Hence, it is essential to keep an eye out for industry trends. The best way to do this is to follow leading brands, magazines, news journals, blogs, and influencers related to your industry. When new trends emerge, these are the places that first come up with content and news related to trends.

Be the leader instead of the follower and create content on trending topics early on. You can create content in many forms such as videos, blog articles, white papers, guides, ebooks, social media posts, infographics, and many more.

Do not forget to boost your content with SEO because trending topics tend to get a massive amount of search volume. Hence, by creating content on trends, your chances of ranking higher up on Google search results get increased. You may consider hiring an SEO agency that will help you get the maximum ROI out of your content on the latest trends.

To conclude, the amount of competition and content that is put out in the eCommerce world is massive. Hence, for your brand to be able to stand out, creating consistent, captivating content is the key. So start today, and work on creating an awesome content strategy for your eCommerce store.

Tim Ferguson is a writer and editor of Marketing Digest. He enjoys writing about SEO, content marketing, online reputation management, social media, AI and Big Data. When he is not writing and editing for Marketing Digest, he spends time on learning more about content marketing and getting better at it.

This post gave you actionable strategies to try when marketing online. You now have an action plan of six types of content to create to boost your probability of online sales.

This post explained how to effectively market using six types of content.

The best types of content driven marketing include

Readers, please share so entrepreneurs discover the six types of content driven marketing that work best.

I look forward to your views in the comment section. Can you suggest any additional types of content that work well with content driven marketing?

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