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Future Proof Your Business With AI In Products And Services

Future Proof Your Business With AI In Products And Services

There’s really no escaping artificial intelligence (AI) and the Internet of Things (IoT). It seems pretty much anything can be made smart these days – and that goes for services...

How Artificial Intelligence Can Help Identify and Treat Cancer | Bernard Marr

How Artificial Intelligence Can Help Identify and Treat Cancer | Bernard Marr

Written by Bernard Marr Bernard Marr is a world-renowned futurist, influencer and thought leader in the fields of business and technology, with a passion for using technology...

Developing countries are being left behind in the AI race - and that's a problem for all of us

Developing countries are being left behind in the AI race - and that's a problem for all of us

Artificial Intelligence (AI) is much more than just a buzzword nowadays. It powers facial recognition in smartphones and computers, translation between foreign languages,...

3 Ways In Which Machine Learning Streamlines Corporate Restructuring

3 Ways In Which Machine Learning Streamlines Corporate Restructuring

The criticality of getting corporate restructuring right is hard to overstate. As you may know, restructuring is normally carried out when an organization is not in the best...

Let’s make AI boring

Let’s make AI boring

The conversation about applying artificial intelligence (AI) in businesses has shifted dramatically Not that long ago organisations were being urged to ‘just get started’ – to...

Digital Transformation: what's the motivation to change? - DeltalogiX

Digital Transformation: what's the motivation to change? - DeltalogiX

By now, Digital Transformation is being talked about everywhere, but some have not yet delved into the concept; those who confuse it with a process or software; those who would...

Is AI Getting Boring? And Some Thoughts on the Future of AI. - DataScienceCentral.com

Is AI Getting Boring? And Some Thoughts on the Future of AI. - DataScienceCentral.com

Summary:  Things are getting repetitious and that can be boring.  Still, looking at lessons from the 90s it’s clear there are at least one or two decades of important economic...

AI Blazes Path Towards Dissipationless Electronics

AI Blazes Path Towards Dissipationless Electronics

AI Blazes Path Towards Dissipationless Electronics Share Search: Explore by topic FOR THE TECHNOLOGY INSIDER Topics Follow IEEE Spectrum Support IEEE Spectrum IEEE Spectrum is...

AI helps identify areas in need of emergency aid

AI helps identify areas in need of emergency aid

In a recent study published in the journal Nature, researchers developed and evaluated an approach that used machine-learning algorithms to analyze mobile phone and satellite...

Does the best AI think like a Human? - Dan Fiehn

Does the best AI think like a Human? - Dan Fiehn

Does the best AI think like a Human? Apr 8, 2022 | Digital Eye This week, does the best AI that thinks like a human.   Welcome to The Digital Eye , your weekly roundup of the...

Google AI Introduces New DeepCTRL Method to Train Models

Google AI Introduces New DeepCTRL Method to Train Models

In early 2022, Google AI began releasing details about an exciting new method for training deep neural networks: DeepCTRL. Google’s AI team found a way to control rule strength...

What is human-centered AI? | IBM Research Blog

What is human-centered AI? | IBM Research Blog

Despite increasing levels of automation enabled by AI — whether it’s AI driving our vehicles, designing our drugs, determining what news and information we see, and even...