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What's the Difference: Edge Computing vs Cloud Computing | NVIDIA Blog

What's the Difference: Edge Computing vs Cloud Computing | NVIDIA Blog

Email1 Public cloud computing platforms allow enterprises to supplement their private data centers with global servers that extend their infrastructure to any location and allow...

Benchmarking the Performance and Energy Efficiency of AI Accelerators for AI Training

Benchmarking the Performance and Energy Efficiency of AI Accelerators for AI Training

Deep Learning (DL) took off with the employment of Graphics Processing Units (GPUs), many-core processors. Besides, various teams have released accelerators for further...

Where is all the AI in the land of industrial IoT?

Where is all the AI in the land of industrial IoT?

For years, there has been a buzz around AI and how it would revolutionize industrial IoT, changing our lives forever. Organizations would realize enormous gains in productivity,...

AI needs to serve people, science, and society

AI needs to serve people, science, and society

AI needs to serve people, science, and society By Professor Neil Lawrence and Jess Montgomery Published 29 April 2022 Artificial intelligence offers great promise, but we must...

Overcoming Barriers to Digital Transformation with AI for Code

Overcoming Barriers to Digital Transformation with AI for Code

When enterprises try to modify or upgrade this code, they face a few barriers—one of which is that every small change in the app’s code could have far-reaching, unexpected...

Meta AI is sharing OPT-175B, the first 175-billion-parameter language model to be made available to the broader AI research community.

Meta AI is sharing OPT-175B, the first 175-billion-parameter language model to be made available to the broader AI research community.

Large language models — natural language processing (NLP) systems with more than 100 billion parameters — have transformed NLP and AI research over the last few years. Trained...

Radically Human: How AI-Powered And New Technologies Are Shaping Our Future

Radically Human: How AI-Powered And New Technologies Are Shaping Our Future

There are a lot of great books being published these days on the subject of artificial intelligence, as human authors attempt to tackle the technical, philosophical, and...

Artificial Intelligence in Architecture

Artificial Intelligence in Architecture

Artificial Intelligence in Architecture 9 min read Artificial Intelligence in Architecture Artificial intelligence (AI) promises to revolutionize our present world. Not with...

Administrative AI Systems Important in Healthcare

Administrative AI Systems Important in Healthcare

Robotic surgery enhanced by artificial intelligence (AI) is making big strides in baby steps as this technology must clear all manner of regulatory hurdles before it gets near a...

Cognitive Intelligence Augmented by Artificial Intelligence

Cognitive Intelligence Augmented by Artificial Intelligence

The global Artificial Intelligence (AI) market size is expected to grow to USD 309.6 billion by 2026, at a Compound Annual Growth Rate (CAGR) of 39.7%. Yves Mulkers recently...

4 valuable ways AI helps retailers and financial services transform and innovate - The EE

4 valuable ways AI helps retailers and financial services transform and innovate - The EE

Artificial Intelligence (AI) and Machine Learning (ML) are already playing a significant role in the efficient delivery of some services in key industry sectors. Among the front...

Responsible Sourcing of Data Enrichment Services - Partnership on AI

Responsible Sourcing of Data Enrichment Services - Partnership on AI

As AI becomes increasingly pervasive, there has been growing and warranted concern over the effects of this technology on society. To fully understand these effects, however,...