
The Data Daily

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AI and Media Integrity Program Lead at Partnership on AI

AI and Media Integrity Program Lead at Partnership on AI

The Partnership on AI (PAI) is seeking a Program Lead to join the high-growth, high-impact AI and Media Integrity (AIMI) Program. The Program Lead will be based on the AI and...

Announcing Responsible AI LLC

Announcing Responsible AI LLC

My name isJiahao Chen, and I’m thrilled to announce theformation ofResponsible Artificial Intelligence LLC, my new consultancy focused on practical, yet responsible AI solutions...

See Through AI Hype with Arvind Narayanan - Initiative for Digital Public Infrastructure

See Through AI Hype with Arvind Narayanan - Initiative for Digital Public Infrastructure

Arvind Narayanan is a Princeton computer science professor who wants to make it easy for you to cut through the AI. In a fascinating and plain old helpful interview, Arvid runs...

Goal Misgeneralisation: Why Correct Specifications Aren’t Enough For Correct Goals

Goal Misgeneralisation: Why Correct Specifications Aren’t Enough For Correct Goals

By Rohin Shah, Vikrant Varma, Ramana Kumar, Mary Phuong, Victoria Krakovna, Jonathan Uesato, and Zac Kenton. For more details, check out ourpaper. As we build increasingly...

Interview: Why Mastering Language Is So Difficult for AI

Interview: Why Mastering Language Is So Difficult for AI

The field of artificial intelligence has never lacked for hype. Back in 1965, AI pioneer Herb Simon declared, “Machines will be capable, within 20 years, of doing any work a man...

OmniVL:One Foundation Model for Image-Language and Video-Language Tasks

OmniVL:One Foundation Model for Image-Language and Video-Language Tasks

OmniVL:One Foundation Model for Image-Language and Video-Language Tasks 09/15/2022 by   Junke Wang , et al. ∙ share This paper presents OmniVL, a new foundation model to support...

AI Art: World’s First Bot-Generated Graphic Novel Hits the Market

AI Art: World’s First Bot-Generated Graphic Novel Hits the Market

AI art hit the news this week for beating humans in a fine art competition. This has caused a storm of clashing opinions in the art world. And now, there is a new evolution to...

AI Propels Metaphysic to ‘America’s Got Talent’ Final | NVIDIA Blog

AI Propels Metaphysic to ‘America’s Got Talent’ Final | NVIDIA Blog

More than 6 million pairs of eyes will be on real-time AI avatar technology in this week’s finale of America’s Got Talent — currently the second-most popular primetime TV show...

How AI Improves Smart Home Water Management

How AI Improves Smart Home Water Management

As technology evolves, people are making lives better through artificial intelligence (AI). AI makes processes more efficient and safer, whether in a factory, on the road, or in...

Partnership on AI Welcomes Prominent New Directors With Expertise in Public Policy and Technology - Partnership on AI

Partnership on AI Welcomes Prominent New Directors With Expertise in Public Policy and Technology - Partnership on AI

Along with thethree new Directors announced in August, Coppin, Covington, and Kane will officially begin their tenure on the PAI Board in October 2022; each bringing their own...

How AI Helps Clean Oceans From Plastics

How AI Helps Clean Oceans From Plastics

Oceans are severely polluted by plastics. It is a huge environmental problem that affects marine life and water quality and destroys natural habitats for many animals....

Ensuring ‘security for all’ in healthcare with AI-based identity security

Ensuring ‘security for all’ in healthcare with AI-based identity security

Whilst the peak of the healthcare crisis due to Covid-19 is thankfully over, by no means are things ‘back to normal’ for healthcare organisations. There are still multiple...