
The Data Daily

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Top Benefits of Analytics-driven Decision Intelligence

Top Benefits of Analytics-driven Decision Intelligence

It would be difficult—probably impossible, in fact—to find an enterprise-scale organization in any industry that isn't constantly looking for new ways to maximize the value of...

“Data in Wonderland”:  A course on storytelling with data:

“Data in Wonderland”: A course on storytelling with data:

Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science “Data in Wonderland”: A course on storytelling with data: Posted on by Andrew Scott Spencer is teaching this class at...

How Cloud Monitoring Tools Can Help CIOs Reduce Carbon Footprint | 7wData

How Cloud Monitoring Tools Can Help CIOs Reduce Carbon Footprint | 7wData

How Cloud Monitoring Tools Can Help CIOs Reduce Carbon Footprint by 7wData July 23, 2022 Cloud computing is an increasing contributor to carbon emissions because of the energy...

Digital Transformation Requires Redefining Role of Data Governance - DataScienceCentral.com

Digital Transformation Requires Redefining Role of Data Governance - DataScienceCentral.com

I’m overjoyed to announce the release of my latest book “The Economics of Data, Analytics, and Digital Transformation.”  The book takes many of the concepts discussed in this...

Choosing a Serverless Architecture: Pros and Cons | Teradata

Choosing a Serverless Architecture: Pros and Cons | Teradata

The desire to abandon the shackles of legacy software and infrastructure was a key driver—arguably, thekey driver—of enterprises' full-speed-ahead move toward widespread use of...

 Accelerate Cloud Data Integration and Analytics

Accelerate Cloud Data Integration and Analytics

Qlik & AWS: Accelerate Cloud Data Integration and Analytics From Data Integration to Analytics in Action Qlik closes the gaps between data, insights and action with the only...

What is Data at Rest and How to Secure It | Teradata

What is Data at Rest and How to Secure It | Teradata

Data is part of the foundation of virtually all enterprises in our tech-driven, cloud-first era. Some of the most necessary and sensitive data is what's commonly referred to as...

Sales Enablement: The Underrated Cog of Enterprise Commercial Engines

Sales Enablement: The Underrated Cog of Enterprise Commercial Engines

Sales enablement —the strategic use of people, processes, and technology to improve sales productivity and increase revenue — is the (usually) missing key for sales...

Supply Chains and the Digital Future

Supply Chains and the Digital Future

For supply chains today, two things are more important than ever: end-to-end visibility and agility. Digital technologies like data analytics play a pivotal role by providing...

Navigating Data Sovereignty for Enterprises | Teradata

Navigating Data Sovereignty for Enterprises | Teradata

It's fair to say that enterprises, governments, and private citizens alike have never been more aware of their data—in terms of volume, value, and ethical significance. This is...

Using AI and Machine Learning with Data Governance - DATAVERSITY

Using AI and Machine Learning with Data Governance - DATAVERSITY

Anomalous data can be disastrous to enterprise Data Management. Data corruption frequently occurs due to data silos or inconsistent data formats, divergent views of data through...

The C-Suite has Trust Issues with AI | 7wData

The C-Suite has Trust Issues with AI | 7wData

Despite rising investments in artificial intelligence (AI) by today’s enterprises, trust in the insights delivered by AI can be a hit or a miss with the C-suite. Are executives...