
The Data Daily

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Visualizing America’s Most Popular Fast Food Chains

Visualizing America’s Most Popular Fast Food Chains

Given the allusive nature of brands, determining a brand’s financial value is a difficult task. Despite a brand’s intangibility, it’s hard to deny just how effective a strong...

Deploy IIoT sensors and networks in remote locations | Control Engineering

Deploy IIoT sensors and networks in remote locations | Control Engineering

Smart sensor and device installations are flourishing everywhere, forming the basic building blocks of any Internet of Things (IoT) initiative. Applying IoT capabilities can be...

Discovering Data Visualisation: How I Discovered and Fell in Love with Data Visualisation Art, Nightingale

Discovering Data Visualisation: How I Discovered and Fell in Love with Data Visualisation Art, Nightingale

I stumbled upon data visualisation art quite by accident early in 2022, at a time when I was at an interesting crossroads in my life. I’m a neurodivergent woman in my 40s and my...

Concreteness vs faithfulness in visual summaries

Concreteness vs faithfulness in visual summaries

This is Jessica. I recently had a discussion with collaborators that got me thinking about trade-offs we often encounter in summarizing data or predictions. Specifically, how do...

Woven Time: Thoughts on Our Experience of Time in a Mashup, Nightingale

Woven Time: Thoughts on Our Experience of Time in a Mashup, Nightingale

Our experience of time is simplest described like this: we move forward, and we measure periods by units like seconds, minutes, hours, etc. But I don’t really think that’s all...

Fonts for Graphs - Evergreen Data

Fonts for Graphs - Evergreen Data

If you aren’t a font nerd, this post is for you. If you like discussing the differences between Helvetica and Arial over cortados, this post is also for you. When it comes to...

Painting the corner

Painting the corner

Found an old one sitting in my folder. This came from the Wall Street Journal in 2018. At first glance, the chart looks like a pretty decent effort. The scatter plot shows...

3 Ways to Pivot Data for Tableau

3 Ways to Pivot Data for Tableau

3 Formas de Pivotar Datos para Tableau To read this blog in Spanish see 3 Formas de Pivotar Datos para Tableau In the course of my work with Tableau, I’ve come to realize how...

Getting Started — Data Visualization Style Guidelines

Getting Started — Data Visualization Style Guidelines

This document aims to provide a basic outline for creating a data visualization style guide for your organization. It leverages our collective knowledge to establish a basic set...

What to consider when considering data vis rules

What to consider when considering data vis rules

This is the transcript of a 40min-talk I gave at SHOW on the 28th of November 2020. You can find all the slides in that insanely fast GIF up here, or as PDFs on Github. There is...

A Solution to the Hex Map Filtering Issue

A Solution to the Hex Map Filtering Issue

Ever since I created my first hex map in Tableau, I've had a problem in which I never loved any available solution.  That problem occurs when you utilize filters.  Sometimes...

Visionaries is alive!

Visionaries is alive!

Hello. It’s great to see you again. It’s been a while, hasn’t it? As my career matures, my ambitions grow. It has become difficult to provide regular and meaningful updates...