
The Data Daily

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Building ML Pipelines

Building ML Pipelines

In modern computing solutions, the concept of a DAG or Directed Acyclic Graph is central. While the term DAG has become quite the buzz word: understanding what they are, how...

 People in the Entire ML Lifecycle

People in the Entire ML Lifecycle

Editor’s note: Keith is a speaker for ODSC Europe 2022. Stay tuned for more information on his talk on human-in-the-loop in the ML lifecycle! I recently attended ODSC East 2022...

Artificial intelligence/machine learning reduces mistakes and waste

Artificial intelligence/machine learning reduces mistakes and waste

Good data—and lots of it—is key to making artificial intelligence/machine learning (AI/ML) production, inspection and packaging systems work without a hitch, plus well written...

IoT Trends: AI/ML and Edge Computing in IoT

IoT Trends: AI/ML and Edge Computing in IoT

There is something magical about the “edge.” For example, in environmental science, one studies “habitat borders” where certain varieties of plants grow heavily at the edge but...

Expanding the IBM Quantum Roadmap to anticipate the future of quantum-centric supercomputing | IBM Research Blog

Expanding the IBM Quantum Roadmap to anticipate the future of quantum-centric supercomputing | IBM Research Blog

A challenge of near-term quantum computation is the limited number of available qubits. Suppose we want to run a circuit for 400 qubits, but we only have 100 qubit devices...

Everything-As-A-Service: Why All Brands Must Consider Subscription Models

Everything-As-A-Service: Why All Brands Must Consider Subscription Models

One of the biggest business trends around, I believe the subscription and servitization model will shape the businesses of the future. Let's delve into what this trend means in...

What is neuromorphic computing? - University of York

What is neuromorphic computing? - University of York

What is neuromorphic computing? /in Articles , Artificial intelligence /by Samantha Bye Compared with first-generation artificial intelligence (AI), neuromorphic computing...

Model Evaluation Metrics in Machine Learning - KDnuggets

Model Evaluation Metrics in Machine Learning - KDnuggets

Predictive models have become a trusted advisor to many businesses and for a good reason. These models can “foresee the future”, and there are many different methods available,...

7 Easy Ways To Boost Your Digital Literacy

7 Easy Ways To Boost Your Digital Literacy

No industry will be left untouched by the wave of digital transformation that's taking place. Everyday tasks and communications will increasingly involve digital tools. Learning...

3 Reasons Brands Need High-Quality Third-Party Data

3 Reasons Brands Need High-Quality Third-Party Data

Enriching your existing data with third-party data gives you the breadth and depth of data to better understand consumers and fine-tune your machine learning capabilities. But...

Understanding the differences between BI, AI and analytics

Understanding the differences between BI, AI and analytics

Is there really a difference between BI, AI and analytics? And if so, how do these three technologies work together? I often get asked to define the differences between BI...

Building explainability into the components of machine-learning models

Building explainability into the components of machine-learning models

Explanation methods that help users understand and trust machine-learning models often describe how much certain features used in the model contribute to its prediction. For...