
The Data Daily

G.R. Jenkin & Associates

Garry Jenkin moved to Dallas, Texas in 1985 and began a new career in consulting for technology companies. When Garry isn't working, he's honing his skills in graphic design, photography, Yoga and is sometimes dreaming about his  next motorcycle.

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Improving the State of Analytics in Organizations

Improving the State of Analytics in Organizations

Despite all the advances organizations have made with respect to analytics, our most recent research shows the majority of the workforce in the majority of organizations are not...

Calculus in Action: Neural Networks

Calculus in Action: Neural Networks

An artificial neural network is a computational model that approximates a mapping between inputs and outputs.  It is inspired by the structure of the human brain, in that it is...

What is Predictive Analytics? An Enterprise Guide

What is Predictive Analytics? An Enterprise Guide

Predictive analytics is a form of advanced analytics that uses current and historical data to forecast activity, behavior and trends. It involves applying statistical analysis...

Do Companies Have To Adjust To AI Or Vice Versa? | 7wData

Do Companies Have To Adjust To AI Or Vice Versa? | 7wData

One out of ten. That's the number of businesses enjoying "significant benefits" from AI implementation globally. Although it may sound blunt, the truth is that several...

Digital Platforms Require a Global Governance Framework

Digital Platforms Require a Global Governance Framework

Centre for International Governance Innovation October 28, 2019 P latforms are at the core of the digital economy. They form its backbone and are its conduits. They are used for...

Data Cost Optimization and Value Engineering Through Data Observability

Data Cost Optimization and Value Engineering Through Data Observability

It’s one of the most-famous business expressions, so ubiquitous that it’s still hotly-debated who said it first, and so popular it has several variations: “If you can’t measure...

How AI can Solve Business Problems? Here's What You Need to Know

How AI can Solve Business Problems? Here's What You Need to Know

Datafloq enables anyone to contribute articles, but we value high-quality content. This means that we do not accept SEO link building content, spammy articles, clickbait,...

The three ways AI can shape a sustainable future

The three ways AI can shape a sustainable future

To be future-ready, companies must start combining AI, human skills, and trusted partnerships now. After all, climate change is happening now Rising sea levels, and...

Welcome to the Age of the Engineer-Data Scientist | Transforming Data with Intelligence

Welcome to the Age of the Engineer-Data Scientist | Transforming Data with Intelligence

The growing enthusiasm for a new hybrid role raises significant questions. We answer them here. The typical product development/simulation engineering team now enjoys access to...

Five Whys of Digital Marketing - B2B Marketing Blog | Webbiquity

Five Whys of Digital Marketing - B2B Marketing Blog | Webbiquity

The “five whys” is famously a technique developed by Taiichi Ohno to ask “Why?” exactly five times, to find exactly one root cause. While rigid application of the technique has...

Lead Generation Strategies for Digital Marketing Teams

Lead Generation Strategies for Digital Marketing Teams

We live in a world driven by marketing, and as the internet plays a larger part in our daily lives, we will continue to see innovative and inventive ways that companies and...

Customer Segmentation Models for Digital Marketing

Customer Segmentation Models for Digital Marketing

You’ve probably heard of customer segmentation. But are you familiar with the different segmentation models? In this article, I’ll cover seven of them. If youhaven’theard of...