
The Data Daily

G.R. Jenkin & Associates

Garry Jenkin moved to Dallas, Texas in 1985 and began a new career in consulting for technology companies. When Garry isn't working, he's honing his skills in graphic design, photography, Yoga and is sometimes dreaming about his  next motorcycle.

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What is Machine Learning?

What is Machine Learning?

This big data discipline of artificial intelligence gives systems the freedom to automatically gain information and improve from experience without manual programming. Machine...

Why to Bring Shadow IT Into the Light | 7wData

Why to Bring Shadow IT Into the Light | 7wData

Shadow IT is the unauthorized use of software, hardware, and cloud services. Typically, users skirt official IT channels in order to complete their work faster and easier. If...

What Is Edge Computing? Everything You Need to Know

What Is Edge Computing? Everything You Need to Know

What is edge computing? Everything you need to know Definition What is edge computing? Everything you need to know By Stephen J. Bigelow, Senior Technology Editor Edge computing...

Get to Know About Modern Data Governance | 7wData

Get to Know About Modern Data Governance | 7wData

Given the world’s growing user base across devices and applications in recent years, we have seen a huge surge in not just the volume of data we are collecting but also in the...

Working Across the Aisle in Analytics: Involving IT and LOB

Working Across the Aisle in Analytics: Involving IT and LOB

For years, maybe decades, we have heard about the struggles between IT and line-of-business functions. In this perspective, we will look at some of the data from our Analytics...

Auto-generated Summaries in Google Docs

Auto-generated Summaries in Google Docs

For many of us, it can be challenging to keep up with the volume of documents that arrive in our inboxes every day: reports, reviews, briefs, policies and the list goes on. When...

Telling a Story with Your Data

Telling a Story with Your Data

First, let me say that I love poster-style dashboards. Just take a look at Jennifer Dawes and Chimdi Nwosu’s profiles to see some amazing examples. It’s also important to note...

Automating data governance: 5 immediate benefits of modern data mapping | 7wData

Automating data governance: 5 immediate benefits of modern data mapping | 7wData

Data privacy legislation like GDPR and CCPA has caused a certain amount of upheaval among businesses. When GDPR went into effect, many organizations weren’t in compliance, and...

Future Proof Your Business With AI In Products And Services

Future Proof Your Business With AI In Products And Services

There’s really no escaping artificial intelligence (AI) and the Internet of Things (IoT). It seems pretty much anything can be made smart these days – and that goes for services...

Your 5-Step Journey from Analytics to AI

Your 5-Step Journey from Analytics to AI

Most organizations have come to understand the importance of being data-driven. To compete in a digital economy, it’s essential to base decisions and actions on accurate data,...

How Artificial Intelligence Can Help Identify and Treat Cancer | Bernard Marr

How Artificial Intelligence Can Help Identify and Treat Cancer | Bernard Marr

Written by Bernard Marr Bernard Marr is a world-renowned futurist, influencer and thought leader in the fields of business and technology, with a passion for using technology...

Critical thinking: A must-have skill in data analytics

Critical thinking: A must-have skill in data analytics

Over the past few years, critical thinking has been deemphasized in education and lacking in business. But to get the most out of your analytics, someone needs to be asking...