
The Data Daily

G.R. Jenkin & Associates

Garry Jenkin moved to Dallas, Texas in 1985 and began a new career in consulting for technology companies. When Garry isn't working, he's honing his skills in graphic design, photography, Yoga and is sometimes dreaming about his  next motorcycle.

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How to Start Using AI at Your Company - DATAVERSITY

How to Start Using AI at Your Company - DATAVERSITY

So you want to start using AI at your company. Now what?  First, evaluate if it has an appropriate place in your company. Many organizations hire a data scientist or an entire...

Is your company failing at chatbot AI trust and transparency?

Is your company failing at chatbot AI trust and transparency?

Is your company failing at chatbot AI trust and transparency? How to cut 3 key risks that can offset chatbot benefits Robot Head Doodle 7, JakeOlimb, Courtesy Getty...

What is MLOps? DataOps? And Why do They Matter?

What is MLOps? DataOps? And Why do They Matter?

DevOps.com Home » Blogs » Business of DevOps » What is MLOps? DataOps? And Why do They Matter? What is MLOps? DataOps? And Why do They Matter? Leave a Comment Let’s look at...

The convergence of deep neural networks and immunotherapy – TechCrunch

The convergence of deep neural networks and immunotherapy – TechCrunch

What do deep neural networks and cancer immunotherapy have in common? While both are among the most transformational areas of modern science, 30 years ago, these fields were...

No Job Is Future-Proof. How To Adopt AI While Protecting Your Employees

No Job Is Future-Proof. How To Adopt AI While Protecting Your Employees

Let’s get this straight: Artificial Intelligence is automating away roles across industries. It doesn’t matter how much creativity or critical thinking a task might need. No job...

The 5 Steps Every Analytics Team Must Use To Identify ROI-Positive Projects | 7wData

The 5 Steps Every Analytics Team Must Use To Identify ROI-Positive Projects | 7wData

Building a data and analytics roadmap is quite like planning your financial investment portfolio. You have too many options, and every choice has big implications. It doesn’t...

You Too Can Be a Cybersecurity Data Scientist!

You Too Can Be a Cybersecurity Data Scientist!

Editor’s Note: John is a speaker for ODSC East 2022! Be sure to check out his talk, “You Too Can Be a Cybersecurity Data Scientist!” there! I accidentally became a...

Predicting the past with Ithaca

Predicting the past with Ithaca

Predicting the past with Ithaca Predicting the past with Ithaca Authors * External authors Restoring, placing, and dating ancient texts through collaboration between AI and...

What Are the Benefits of Adopting the Cloud in Industrial Cybersecurity? | 7wData

What Are the Benefits of Adopting the Cloud in Industrial Cybersecurity? | 7wData

Cloud adoption has come a long way from its early days where corporate executives questioned the stewardship of their data. The initial suspicions of “where’s my data” have been...

Apple Researchers Introduce 'NEO' to Generalize Confusion Matrix Visualization and Enable Machine Learning Practitioners to Find Hidden Confusions

Apple Researchers Introduce 'NEO' to Generalize Confusion Matrix Visualization and Enable Machine Learning Practitioners to Find Hidden Confusions

Machine learning is a complex, iterative design and development process aimed at creating a learned model that generalizes to new data inputs. Model assessment, which involves...

Do You Need To Build Or Buy AI-Based Solutions For Your Organization?

Do You Need To Build Or Buy AI-Based Solutions For Your Organization?

Businesses across the globe have realized the potential of AI. Organizations have started deploying AI-powered applications to improve productivity, increase ROI, hire...

Restoring and attributing ancient texts using deep neural networks - Nature

Restoring and attributing ancient texts using deep neural networks - Nature

Restoring and attributing ancient texts using deep neural networks History Abstract Ancient history relies on disciplines such as epigraphy—the study of inscribed texts known as...