
The Data Daily

G.R. Jenkin & Associates

Garry Jenkin moved to Dallas, Texas in 1985 and began a new career in consulting for technology companies. When Garry isn't working, he's honing his skills in graphic design, photography, Yoga and is sometimes dreaming about his  next motorcycle.

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How to shrink AI’s ballooning carbon footprint

How to shrink AI’s ballooning carbon footprint

As machine-learning experiments get more sophisticated, their carbon footprints are ballooning. Now, researchers have calculated the carbon cost of training a range of models at...

How organizational learning can unlock more business value from machine learning

How organizational learning can unlock more business value from machine learning

Copyright: cio.com – “How organizational learning can unlock more business value from machine learning” We routinely underestimate the effects that new technology has in the...

Why Poor Data Quality is Holding Back Big Data

Why Poor Data Quality is Holding Back Big Data

Remember the old adage, “Garbage in, garbage out”? We can’t expect an algorithm to deliver accurate insights if it is fed with low quality data. Yet, all too often poor data...

Rethink Your Data Architecture To Raise The Bar On Innovation

Rethink Your Data Architecture To Raise The Bar On Innovation

Businesses are being overcome by an avalanche of data, with some estimates pointing to creating 2.5 quintillion bytes of data per day. However, what should be an embarrassment...

Calling All Data Scientists: Data Observability Needs You - DataScienceCentral.com

Calling All Data Scientists: Data Observability Needs You - DataScienceCentral.com

We live in a complex world that is full of data, and it’s getting even more full every day. In 2020, the world collectively created, captured, copied, and consumed nearly 64.2...

How AI is Transforming the Education Industry

How AI is Transforming the Education Industry

There is a popular media narrative that AI will take over teachers. If anything, AI will be a new tool in teachers’ toolkits. Teachers spend a good portion of their time reeling...

How to Leverage Machine Learning to Improve Your Marketing

How to Leverage Machine Learning to Improve Your Marketing

AI and machine learning are now everyday buzzwords in this ever-evolving, technology-driven world. The marketing niche is no exception. Machine learning and AI can be seen...

IoT for Supply Chain Management: How to Use IoT for Enhanced Business Operations - DataScienceCentral.com

IoT for Supply Chain Management: How to Use IoT for Enhanced Business Operations - DataScienceCentral.com

The Internet of Things (IoT) has revolutionized the world we live in. Every global industry has the impact of IoT on it that only aims to increase the efficiency of business...

Open-Source Assessment is Critical for the Future of Responsible AI

Open-Source Assessment is Critical for the Future of Responsible AI

Artificial intelligence’s technological sophistication and industry reach continues to evolve rapidly, which has prompted a movement to ensure that these systems are used...

“Data in Wonderland”:  A course on storytelling with data:

“Data in Wonderland”: A course on storytelling with data:

Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science “Data in Wonderland”: A course on storytelling with data: Posted on by Andrew Scott Spencer is teaching this class at...

5 business analytics trends that shaped the start of 2022 | 7wData

5 business analytics trends that shaped the start of 2022 | 7wData

Insights without actions are irrelevant, so one of the major business analytics trends during the first half of 2022 was an emphasis on enabling data users to easily take what...

Opinion | Will artificial intelligence save humanity, or supersede it? A vanguard is carving a path on AI governance

Opinion | Will artificial intelligence save humanity, or supersede it? A vanguard is carving a path on AI governance

The question has arisen with escalating frequency in recent years, a sort of journalistic thought bubble emerging from the collective consciousness of writers. Will artificial...