
The Data Daily

G.R. Jenkin & Associates

Garry Jenkin moved to Dallas, Texas in 1985 and began a new career in consulting for technology companies. When Garry isn't working, he's honing his skills in graphic design, photography, Yoga and is sometimes dreaming about his  next motorcycle.

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Dealing with sparse categorical variables in predictive modeling

Dealing with sparse categorical variables in predictive modeling

One of the biggest challenges a data scientist must deal with is to find an efficient way to numerically encode qualitative features. Indeed, only numerical representation of...

Role of process mining in digital transformation - BusinessWorld Online

Role of process mining in digital transformation - BusinessWorld Online

The importance of digital transformation has been acknowledged as being of immense importance in safeguarding an organization’s competitiveness and growth. Indeed, organizations...

Learning about data structures in R | R-bloggers

Learning about data structures in R | R-bloggers

Learning about data structures in R Posted on March 23, 2022 by R on R (for ecology) in R bloggers | 0 Comments [This article was first published on R on R (for ecology) , and...

Your Data Initiatives Can’t Just Be for Data Scientists

Your Data Initiatives Can’t Just Be for Data Scientists

Without buy-in from your company’s rank and file, even the cleverest AI-derived model will sit idle and “data-driven decision-making” will just go around in circles. Companies...

How Google uses NLP to better understand search queries, content

How Google uses NLP to better understand search queries, content

Search Engine Land » Channel » SEO » How Google uses NLP to better understand search queries, content How Google uses NLP to better understand search queries, content Learn the...

Vectors are over, hashes are the future of AI

Vectors are over, hashes are the future of AI

Artificial intelligence has been built on the back of vector arithmetic. Recent advances show for certain AI applications this can actually be drastically outperformed (memory,...

Multimodal Bottleneck Transformer (MBT): A New Model for Modality Fusion

Multimodal Bottleneck Transformer (MBT): A New Model for Modality Fusion

People interact with the world through multiple sensory streams (e.g., we see objects, hear sounds, read words, feel textures and taste flavors), combining information and...

Difference Between Algorithm and Model in Machine Learning

Difference Between Algorithm and Model in Machine Learning

Machine learning involves the use of machine learning algorithms and models. For beginners, this is very confusing as often “machine learning algorithm” is used interchangeably...

What is AI as a Service? | Bernard Marr

What is AI as a Service? | Bernard Marr

Written by Bernard Marr Bernard Marr is a world-renowned futurist, influencer and thought leader in the fields of business and technology, with a passion for using technology...

Top 5 Fundamental Concepts of Data Engineering

Top 5 Fundamental Concepts of Data Engineering

Data engineering is a critical part of data science. Most of the time, they occur together in business applications. However, there are some fundamental differences between them...

A How-to Guide for Digital Marketing in the Tech Space

A How-to Guide for Digital Marketing in the Tech Space

The technology sector has evolved substantially over the past decade — and I’m not just referring to the many innovations in AI, VR, cloud computing, and ever-shrinking computer...

Digital Transformation and the Virtualization of the Workplace

Digital Transformation and the Virtualization of the Workplace

The ways that the workplace has changed in recent years, becoming portable and virtual in many ways, may be part of lasting disruptions for the enterprise. That was the topic...