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10 Places to Turn for Marketing Inspiration

10 Places to Turn for Marketing Inspiration

10 Places to Turn for Marketing Inspiration
June 16, 2022
Digital marketing is a highly creative process: You need to think outside of the box to be able to overcome your competition.
Yet, digital marketing is also very exhausting: You have to deal with lots of numbers, and those can get you really stuck and bored?
How to find marketing inspiration, again and again?
Here are 10 easiest tools I often turn to when I need to feel inspired again!
Brand Identity Inspiration
Have you been struggling with creating a memorable brand? These tools will help you define your brand and position it effectively through visuals.
1. Namify
Namify is an innovative AI-powered tool that helps you generate a unique brand name that creates strong associations with your niche. Somehow I feel inspired when using the tool even when I am not currently looking for a new brand name.
The tool will also help you create your future logo which will match your new name.
When you are just planning your initial market entry , this tool will help you get inspired.
2. Google Images
Google Images is another source of unlimited visual and branding inspiration. All you need is to play with Google’s tools when searching for your term.
To start, simply type your keyword and watch Google suggest visually relevant topics for you to explore further:
Here are even more ideas to create a logo concept using tools.
Content Ideation Tools
Half the battle of writing an exceptional blog post is selecting the right topic. So what do you do when you’ve cracked your brain and the right topic still hasn’t come to mind? Comb through the below sites and be willing to put in some time and effort to gather information and draw conclusions before you start writing.
3. Text Optimizer
Text Optimizer is a semantic analysis tool that lets you discover related topics and angles by searching for your core topic in Google and analyzing search snippets Google returns.
The tool is useful for both ideation and creation. Here’s an example of how to use the tool to write a listicle:
Keyword clustering is another useful – albeit much more advanced and time consuming – content ideation tactic.
4. Google Trends
This combination of trending topics, popular searches and charts will let you know what types of content people are talking about and seeking. There are countless ways you can use the data Google provides here, including using search terms to spark the creation of valuable resources.
Google Trends is not just visualizing interest in any topic (and lets you predict a demand for certain content), it also helps you discover related topics. Look for patterns of popular types of content and think about what can be trending next. You may also find something that hasn’t been written about recently.
If a once popular subject has changed significantly in some way, now could be the perfect time to bring it back in a new light.
5. Medium
Medium is an intriguing platform where people write long-form posts on virtually every topic. Whether you find something that directly pertains to you or a totally unrelated but inventive post sparks an idea, you can encounter a wealth of ideas by scrolling through the list of the top 100 posts Medium puts out each month.
You can also delve into the most recent posts in their various categories or head over to the editor’s picks for posts flagged as particularly good reads.
User Feedback Tools
In many cases, all you need to feel inspired is to ask your readers or followers for feedback and/or ideas!
6. Five Second Test
FiveSecondTest.com may seem like it’s more for developers and designers than writers and content strategists, but it can serve as the starting point for useful case studies.
If you run a series of tests and are able to draw definite conclusions about how much copy to include on a landing page or what types of images draw the most attention, you have the makings of a blog post that many people would be curious to read.
Using online surveys is another great way to collect reader feedback for more inspiration. You can even use quizzes for marketing and lead generation, so there’s a lot of important goals achieved here. This is a great way to create a customer-centric content strategy.
Content Promotion Inspiration Tools
7. Reddit
The “front page of the Internet” can be a great starting point for getting ideas. First, take a look at what’s trending and see if you can capitalize on anything that already has people talking. If nothing jumps out right away, start exploring subreddits that relate to your industry.
Answer a question someone has posed or add your point of view on a topic. You start your own threads and directly ask for ideas or feedback.
Browsing Reddit is a great way to come up with effective lead magnets that will likely engage your site readers and result in better conversions.
8. Quora
Looking through questions on Quora can directly lead to blog post ideas if you have a response that would be better suited for a blog versus answering the question directly on the site. They can also trigger further questions that you want to explore, or you can draw conclusions from the types of questions that puzzle or interest most people in your industry.
Taking note of the most upvoted answers on certain questions can also serve as a source of inspiration because you’ll learn the type of responses that people are looking for and find the most helpful or entertaining. Finally, you can crowdsource your post by asking questions and using quotations from the answers you receive.
9. Pocket
Thousands of people are saving articles to the Pocket app every day. By following @PocketHits on Twitter you’ll discover the most saved posts—and form a solid idea of the type of content people take the time to go back to later.
Further, if you consider that many people save these articles because the title alone intrigues them but they don’t have time to read the post right away, you can get some ideas for the kinds of titles you should be writing.
10. Pinterest
Traditionally authors have turned to nature, a change of scenery, or art to get inspired. Scrolling through Pinterest boards may not exactly be the same, but nevertheless you may come across images, quotes, or videos that lead to the start of a blog post.
And similar to many of the above options, you can always opt to search through specific categories or the most popular section.
There are of course many more tools to get you inspired for your next marketing project. The above list is just a snapshot of what is inspiring and often motivating. Start with those and then expand when you need to!

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