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Council Post: Customer Experience: A Never-Ending Trend

Council Post: Customer Experience: A Never-Ending Trend

Denis Clifford is the Chief Customer Officer atVirto Commerce, a leading provider of B2B digital solutions.

My father-in-law grew up in post-war Ireland. His family ran a grocery store in Ennis, County Clare. As I got to know him in my 20s, Donal would regale us at the Sunday lunch table with tales of the wonders of Daniel Wylde’s on 49 O’Connell Street.

Barrels of biscuits would be broken down into smaller quantities for sale, joints of cured meats sliced as the customer required and large boxes of tea and exotic coffees sold by the pound. What always stood out for me was that customers got exactly what they wanted, in the quantity they needed, delivered when they needed. Grocers served seven-year apprenticeships and were highly qualified before serving customers unsupervised. They were experts. Service-to-customers seemed almost a way of life 100 years ago.

There are books and articles galore about how the retail landscape has changed. From the earliest self-serve stores in the early 20th century to the proliferation of supermarkets in the ‘60s and ‘70s and on to the home delivery explosion during the pandemic. There is even more material on customer service models and customer experience. But in almost every book I read, the standards of service that made Wylde’s shop in Ennis the destination of choice in the 1930s would still be regarded today as a gold standard—a wide assortment of offerings personalized, flexible, available and tailored.

I’ve been fortunate to learn a great deal about customer experience while working with drinks brands. These traditional businesses often embrace technology in other areas of the business before applying it to sales and commercial activity. But the risk of disruption means that many CPG companies have had to rapidly embrace digital technology in sales and commerce over the last five years.

These companies have something that digital-native companies don’t always have: B2B customer relationships already built into their DNA. The whole industry is based on relationships between suppliers and customers. CPG companies might not be unique in this regard, but relationships and service often trump price and assortment in this industry. So how do these traditional businesses deal with service demands during the current wave of digital transformation?

The risk, of course, is that digital transformation will drive an undesirable change in customer service that undermines these traditional service values. Customers become more digitally savvy over time, data on customer behavior is easier to harvest and analyze, customer sentiment is easier to gauge. Indeed, the technology brings many benefits to the customer and enables a better standard of service, but companies have to be mindful that a new digital channel is not a new departure in and of itself. These channels and methods need to be based on an ethos or value system.

Based on my experience with service-oriented businesses for over 20 years, I see service expectations falling into three basic levels. You can add or subtract from this model, but I think you will recognize the hierarchy and what it represents.

1. At the primary level, service expectations are not complicated. Customers want to purchase a particular product or service for a particular need at a fair price. This relationship could be described as somewhat arbitrary—even disposable. This is particularly true in the B2C space, where the ratio of contact to customer is low.

2. In the second phase, there is a relationship that develops between the supplier and customer, and the customer may begin to consider other products or services from that supplier. There is an aftersales element to the relationship, which makes availability and speed of service highly important.

3. At the mutual growth level, customers begin to realize that the product or services being offered could potentially solve issues beyond their original purpose. This may result in several repeat purchases, which further develop a relationship between supplier and customer. This relationship results in opportunities for growth and mutual benefit to both the customer and supplier.

I am sure many of you reading this article would hope that your business is providing service in line with the mutual growth level. You would like to believe that you have a mutually beneficial relationship with your customers, that you have built a community around your customer base and that your customers see you as integral to their growth.

If that’s the case, it is achieved with service standards that are over a century old, and older. These standards include high levels of product availability, products tailored exactly to customers’ requirements, flexible payment methods, a wide variety of delivery options and suppliers holding a deep understanding of customer needs. Luckily, current digital transformation trends make these service standards easier to provide to a wider number of customers than ever in the history of commercial enterprise.

• Online configurators can help customers determine the exact specification of a product.

• Stocks can be checked and maintained from multiple locations close to the customer.

• Sales trends can be analyzed in advance, and there is stock available to meet those needs.

• Customers can be approved instantly for credit by connecting to fintech services without undue business risk.

• Digital channels now allow for a deeper engagement with customers to understand their current pain points and future needs.

Many organizations dread digital transformation and the change that it might bring. Customers might feel similar apprehension. This is particularly true in B2B, a space in which there is a sense that digital transactions can reduce the relationship quality between customer and supplier.

But if you are a business that has a strong existing relationship with your customers and an orientation toward providing the highest standards of service excellence, then digital transformation should not be seen as a threat to that approach but as an opportunity to expand that ethos to a wider audience of customers than ever before. All this to say: If you are running a significant digital transformation project, take care not to throw great customer service out with the digital bathwater!

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