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The Best Books on Artificial Intelligence | Five Books

The Best Books on Artificial Intelligence | Five Books

I’ve read a couple of your books now, and what I want to know is this: Do you really think that artificial intelligence is a threat to the human race and could lead to our...

“Spaghetti Code”:  Complexity and Artificial Intelligence | NEUROMORPHIC TECHNOLOGIES

“Spaghetti Code”: Complexity and Artificial Intelligence | NEUROMORPHIC TECHNOLOGIES

The “spaghetti code” is a pejorative term to refer to computer programs that have a complex and incomprehensible flow control structure. Its name derives from the fact that this...

Robots get closer to human-like dexterity

Robots get closer to human-like dexterity

It might not look that special, but the robot above is, according to a new measure, the most dexterous one ever created. Among other tricks, it could sort through your junk...

Is Your Company Ready For AI? Ask Yourself These Nine Questions

Is Your Company Ready For AI? Ask Yourself These Nine Questions

With more and more artificial intelligence (AI) solutions emerging each year, it's safe to say that this technology is here to stay. Statista predicts that the global AI market...

How Artificial Intelligence is Changing the Future of Web Design

How Artificial Intelligence is Changing the Future of Web Design

Artificial Intelligence (AI) is taking the internet world by storm. You can see proof of this with all the talk in forums and all the articles being published pertaining to the...

Artificial vs Emotional Intelligence in Machine Learning - The Sociable

Artificial vs Emotional Intelligence in Machine Learning - The Sociable

MIT has launched a new project, theMIT Intelligence Quest, whose aim is to “advance the science and engineering of both human and machine intelligence.” The goal of this...

3 Competitive Advantages of Deep Learning for Your Company

3 Competitive Advantages of Deep Learning for Your Company

Benefits range from tireless accuracy to job creation to cost savings. It's a brave new world. What do you think of when you hear about AI? Do you picture your favorite sci-fi...

The Incredible Ways John Deere Is Using Artificial Intelligence To Transform Farming

The Incredible Ways John Deere Is Using Artificial Intelligence To Transform Farming

Computer vision specialist Blue River Technology has developed a solution for exactly that, using advanced machine learning algorithms to enable robots to make decisions, based...

Artificial Intelligence Enables Humanity In Human Resources

Artificial Intelligence Enables Humanity In Human Resources

Artificial intelligenceArtificial Intelligence knows many different definitions, but in general it can be defined as a machine completing complex tasks intelligently, meaning...

AI Is Going to Dramatically Change Your Company’s Structure

AI Is Going to Dramatically Change Your Company’s Structure

Per Business Insider, out of the top 10 largest tech companies, only Facebook breaks the two-year mark (2.02) in average tenure. Uber falls at 1.23, Snap at 1.62, and Airbnb at...

From the factory floor to the OR, robots can make great teammates

From the factory floor to the OR, robots can make great teammates

Robot coworkers and AI assistants are coming to an office near you. And instead of worrying about a robotic takeover, Julie Shah is embracing it. An associate professor at MIT...

Using AI to Help Stroke Victims When 'Time Is Brain'

Using AI to Help Stroke Victims When 'Time Is Brain'

Since entrepreneur ChrisMansi cofounded Viz.ai in 2016, the best-funded wizards of artificial intelligence have taken on board games, and created emoji that mirror your facial...