
The Data Daily

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With AI, Your Apple Watch Could Flag Signs of Diabetes

With AI, Your Apple Watch Could Flag Signs of Diabetes

Before modern chemistrybrought doctors blood and urine tests for diagnosing diabetes, they had to rely on their taste buds. Sweet-tasting pee has long been the disease’s...

What Artificial Intelligence Means To You And Your Business

What Artificial Intelligence Means To You And Your Business

You might think of artificial intelligence (AI) as a strange, futuristic technology that will make your business seem cold and impersonal. And you might be right. Used...

12 Amazing Deep Learning Breakthroughs of 2017

12 Amazing Deep Learning Breakthroughs of 2017

The quest to give machines a mind of their own occupied the brightest AI specialists in 2017. Machine learning (and especially the newly hip branch, deep learning) practically...

Can Computers Learn Like Humans?

Can Computers Learn Like Humans?

The world of artificial intelligence has exploded in recent years. Computers armed with AI do everything from drive cars to pick movies you'll probably like. Some have warned...

Human Language Understanding & Reasoning

Human Language Understanding & Reasoning

Human Language Understanding & Reasoning Christopher D. Manning Christopher D. Manning Christopher D. Manning is the Thomas M. Siebel Professor in Machine Learning and Professor...

Artificial intelligence makes a splash in small-molecule drug discovery

Artificial intelligence makes a splash in small-molecule drug discovery

In the past five years, interest in applying artificial intelligence (AI) approaches in drug research and development (R&D) has surged. Driven by the expectation of accelerated...

Building with AI across all of Meta

Building with AI across all of Meta

Artificial Intelligence sits at the very heart of our work across Meta. In fact it would be hard to identify a single product that hasn’t been transformed by this work. Whether...

Businesspeople Need To Understand Technology More Than Technologists Need To Understand Business

Businesspeople Need To Understand Technology More Than Technologists Need To Understand Business

Many things are hybrid these days, including clouds and cars. Now, we are seeing the rise of the hybrid business leader, who has advanced technology understanding, as well as...

AI Ethics Are in Danger. Funding Independent Research Could Help (SSIR)

AI Ethics Are in Danger. Funding Independent Research Could Help (SSIR)

Across industries, a turn to artificial intelligence (AI) has become ubiquitous, if not completely hegemonic. It’s not just Meta, Google, Apple, and Amazon—nearly every large...

AI Trained on 4Chan Becomes ‘Hate Speech Machine’

AI Trained on 4Chan Becomes ‘Hate Speech Machine’

AI and YouTuber Yannic Kilcher trained an AI using 3.3 million threads from 4chan’s infamously toxic Politically Incorrect /pol/ board. He then unleashed the bot back onto 4chan...

Why it’s time for “data-centric artificial intelligence” | MIT Sloan

Why it’s time for “data-centric artificial intelligence” | MIT Sloan

Machine learning pioneer Andrew Ng argues that focusing on the quality of data fueling AI systems will help unlock its full power. The last 10 years have brought tremendous...

IDC Forecasts Companies to Increase Spend on AI Solutions by 19.6% in 2022

IDC Forecasts Companies to Increase Spend on AI Solutions by 19.6% in 2022

NEEDHAM, Mass., February 15, 2022 – Worldwide revenues for the artificial intelligence (AI) market, including software, hardware, and services, is forecast to grow 19.6% year...