
The Data Daily

G.R. Jenkin & Associates

Garry Jenkin moved to Dallas, Texas in 1985 and began a new career in consulting for technology companies. When Garry isn't working, he's honing his skills in graphic design, photography, Yoga and is sometimes dreaming about his  next motorcycle.

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Why some data-driven decisions are not to be trusted | 7wData

Why some data-driven decisions are not to be trusted | 7wData

Earlier this year, McKinsey released a report called The data-driven enterprise of 2025, which illustrated the journey that organisations have to go on to reach the ideal of...

Causal Modeling in Machine Learning Workshop

Causal Modeling in Machine Learning Workshop

Causal Modeling in Machine Learning Workshop The most efficient path to engineering causal reasoning in machine learning applications. A online workshop in causal modeling and...

What is Adversarial Machine Learning? - KDnuggets

What is Adversarial Machine Learning? - KDnuggets

In the Cybersecurity sector Adversarial machine learning attempts to deceive and trick models by creating unique deceptive inputs, to confuse the model resulting in a...

Three Things Every CIO Must Know About Digital Twins

Three Things Every CIO Must Know About Digital Twins

Digital twins are helping companies reach incredible new levels of innovation and productivity. In fact, BMW Group — one of the largest auto manufacturers with 31 factories...

How to Craft a Data Management Strategy and Why it is Important | 7wData

How to Craft a Data Management Strategy and Why it is Important | 7wData

Already routinely called the currency, the lifeblood, and the new oil of the modern business world, data promises organizations unbeatable competitive advantages. Lured by this...

Evolving a data integration strategy | 7wData

Evolving a data integration strategy | 7wData

The idea of integrating systems is nothing new. IT departments have constantly struggled to link enterprise applications together in a way that enables decision-makers to have...

How to Scale AI in Your Organization

How to Scale AI in Your Organization

AI is embedding itself into the products and processes of virtually every industry. But implementing AI at scale remains an unresolved, frustrating issue for most organizations....

Overcoming the C-Suite’s Distrust of AI

Overcoming the C-Suite’s Distrust of AI

Data-based decisions by AI are almost always based on probabilities (probabilistic versus deterministic). Because of this, there is always a degree of uncertainty when AI...

The Significance of Data Quality in Making a Successful Machine Learning Model | 7wData

The Significance of Data Quality in Making a Successful Machine Learning Model | 7wData

  The Significance of Data Quality in Making a Successful Machine Learning Model Good quality data becomes imperative and a basic building block of an ML pipeline. The ML model...

How Data Versioning Can Be Used in Machine Learning

How Data Versioning Can Be Used in Machine Learning

We deal with data on a daily basis, whether it is in the form of documentation or in the form of... We deal with data on a daily basis, whether it is in the form of...

AI training: Artificial intelligence becomes more flexible

AI training: Artificial intelligence becomes more flexible

AI researchers train an AI agent in increasingly complex environments. The automated process is outpacing other training approaches In reinforcement learning, an AI agent...

How Branded Short Links can Help You Build a Great Online Brand

How Branded Short Links can Help You Build a Great Online Brand

Home » Blog » How Branded Short Links can Help You Build a Great Online Brand How Branded Short Links can Help You Build a Great Online Brand 2022 August 20 by Jeff...